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Posts posted by hal8000

  1. I've tried re-installing XP again with BIOS set to AHCI and second SATA drive disconnected.

    Install proceeds recognizing hard drive and copies file from nLite CD to HDD, however after

    the reboot installation halts with STOP 0x000007B

    I have even took an old floppy drive and made a copy of the SATA drivers on floppy disk, tried

    with original XP Pro disk to Install XPand same thing happens, after first reboot I have STOP 7B message.

    Previously I did have XP Pro 64bit working with SATA drivers but some of my programmes dont

    work with 64bit which is why I am using 32bit.

    To recap motherboard is Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3 with 6 SATA ports, 2 JMmicro ports (not using and disabled in BIOS)

    I have been through nLite several times and have a strong feeling I have integrated more than

    one driver.

    Browsing through my Nlite folder I see a folder called C:\Nlite\I386\NLDRV

    The NLDRV contains subfolders 001, 002, 003, 004 The contents of 001, 002 and 004 contain






    At a guess, when extracted these will become IAAHCI.INF, IAAHCI,CAT etc

    I am willing to delete my Nlite folder and start again froms scratch unless there is a way I can remove

    the drivers I already integrated.

    Thanks for all your help Fernando

  2. I wanted my post as a reply to your thread but made a mess and cannot find a way to move my post now,

    if you can move my thread, please do so.

    I have integrated text drivers from a subfolder which contains txtsetup.oem Not sure if that

    I downloaded the file in step 1A


    extracted it in c:\ root and integrated by clicking on iaAHCI.inf in the extracted

    32bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL folder

    Not sure if I need to enable more than 1 driver as in Step 2 of Fernandos guide.

    Thanks for help so far.

  3. Integrating SP3 under Win7 will get you problems entering the product key. But befire you retry under XP or a VM, you need to look at your main problem.

    What do you mean by "after 1st reboot", is it after partition is chosed and XP files are finished being copied to the HDD or did you mean "1st boot" ?

    Thanks both of you for replies.

    I can confirm that there has been no problem with the product key (even though nLite disc was mastered on windows 7). I even have a successfull install

    of Windows XP using the disc, however BIOS was set to IDE mode for SATA drive.


    If BIOS is set to AHCI then XP installation starts and files are copied onto the HDD. When XP reboots this is when I get the STOP 7B message.

    My SATA controller is Intel Series5/3400 I'm pretty sure I am using wrong driver or some other mistake.

    Thanks for help so far.

  4. I am having problems integrating SATA drivers for my Gigabyte Motherboard GA-P55A-UD3

    Motherboard has both JM Micro SATA ports (not used) and 6 SATA 2 ports designated SATA2_0 to SATA2_5,

    which are supported by the P55 chipset

    In BIOS, Integrated Peripherals screen, I have option to set PCH SATA control mode as IDE, RAID(XHD) or AHCI

    If I choose AHCI then Windows XP will fail to load with STOP 7B message

    I currently have dual boot Windows 7 / Windows XP and have used Nlite from windows 7 to slipstream my XP Pro (32bit)

    CD and have integrated SP3 and tried various SATA drivers but still get the STOP 7B message when installing from the Nlite CD

    Device manager hardware ID's are below (from Windows XP):

    Under IDE ATA/ATAPI controller:


    Intel ® 5 series/3400 Series Chipset Family 2 port serial ATA Storage controller - 3B26

    Hardware ID:






    Intel ® 5 series/3400 Series Chipset Family 4 port serial ATA Storage controller - 3B20

    Hardware ID's





    I have tried integrating iaAHCI.inf from the 32bit Intel RST AHCI & RAID driver v11.2.0.1006 WHQL

    but if setting the SATA controller in BIOs to ACHI my Nlited XP install disk starts to load windows XP

    but after first reboot fails with the STOP 7B message.

    Drives are connected as follows:

    1 500G SATA II drive connected to SATA2_0 (This is my Windows XP and Win7 install)

    1 LG DVD/CD connected to SATA2_1

    1 500G SATA II drive connected to SATA2_2 (all partitions linux and freeBSD)

    There is no linux boot loader to worry about at the moment, boot loader is Windows 7 BCD

    controlling boot of both Windows 7 and XP

    Thanks in advance if anyone can help.

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