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Posts posted by Wahooka

  1. ok, I've been trying to get an FTP server to work for hours. from where I'm sitting, I can see the FTP, connect to it, download files, whatever else I could want from it. But that's not the point. I'm trying to set this thing up so my hosts for my games can just connect and download any updates I might have waiting. Main problem, anyone NOT at the local computer cannot connect to my FTP. Kinda defeats the whole purpose if you have to be physically AT the terminal to access the FTP. I've checked my firewall, I've checked my router, everything seems to be working fine. I've tried disabling my firewall and everything. Recently I tried hosting my own game, it'll show up where it should, but again, same problem. People cannot connect.

    I'm not extremely network savvy so if someone could possibly explain to me in lamen terms what I could do to allow connections to my server, I would be eternally in your debt :thumbup

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