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Posts posted by Amigafever

  1. That workaround works nicolaasjan, thanks (Pale Moon). Is it meant to enforce an IPv4 connection?

    As for Android, there's really no need to mess with those hacks. The GitHub mirrors are perfectly fine.

    If that website doesn't fix its web config, perhaps it's worth considering changing the main filterlist URL?

  2. Update: I think I've found the culprit. Turns out that after disabling the VPN, I was still unable to connect to void.gr which hosts this filterlist.

    So, I went into the Network Connection properties and disabled IPv6. This solves it. Can't understand though why this issue suddenly emerged. I didn't change anything recently and IPv6 was always enabled there. Perhaps something is going on with the router.

  3. Thanks, I tried other DNS servers: didn't work. I then enabled the VPN: it worked. Turned off VPN: still works. Weird glitch. Still unreachable in Android device. I'll also try a router restart.

    I don't think there's another local filterlist. I will post if I find something.

    For languages/countries not having separate AdGuard filterlists, the AdGuard main filterlist does include several neatly separated entries. Search for "NOTE: " (no quotes) and you will see them.

  4. Ok, for some unknown reason my Pale Moon cannot reach void.gr. Already tried flushing DNS and clearing history/cookies.

    I'll just use the githubusercontent.com URL as a custom list for now.

    edit: my Android device cannot reach it either. But desktop Firefox can. Perhaps they are using some over-zealous security configuration.

  5. Something unusual seems to be going on with the Greek AdBlock Filter (included in the Regions, languages section). The link to the filterlist stopped working since a few days. It also stopped working on Firefox/WebExtension (same link). As of today however, it works on FF again but not on UXP browsers/uBO Legacy.

    This alternative URL found on filterlists.com seems to work fine. Not sure why this happens.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Sampei.Nihira said:

    To check whether the filter list that removes URL tracking parameters works, just run a simple test:


    If the "fbclid" parameter is missing everything is OK.

    Not sure how this test is supposed to work. It always shows the URL you posted, with no extra parameters. This also occurs on a clean profile, with no extensions installed.

    It's always a blank page with the text: "Look in the URL bar for the presence of a query string parameter."... and just the clean URL.

  7. On 4/21/2024 at 6:01 PM, UCyborg said:

    ... one of the things that stood out to me were filters using $removeparam, AdGuard URL Tracking Filter list uses those exclusively for removing tracking parameters from URLs when navigating web pages.

    Thanks. I guess this is good news, since removing tracking parameters isn't strictly ad-blocking, right? It's important, yes, but at least we can rest assured for now, that ads won't suddenly start appearing on us and that uBO Legacy still remains extremely effective, notwithstanding running behind the WebExtension.

    Update: perhaps we should contact AdGuard to provide compatible filters.

  8. 2 hours ago, AstroSkipper said:

    And now a tip for maintaining your uBlock Origin installation.

    I've noticed this too, however I'm not sure if it's really worth it. This procedure will indeed reduce its size at first, but it will very soon increase back to its usual, larger size which in my case is around 80MB.

    Not sure how soon that is, but it usually doesn't take more than a day.

  9. 20 minutes ago, Felipefpl said:

    I'd like to report a bug: ublock is detected here even with a list with anti-adblock https://www.ovagames.com/

    This doesnt happen with the normal ublock on firefox.


    Not seeing that here. This is more likely related with the filterlists used than with uBO itself. Make sure your filterlists are updated, and try alternative or better ones. I am not even using a specific anti-adblock list.

  10. It's been some time that both Annoyances lists (AdGuard/EasyList) have been split into sub-categories. It'd be great if you could bring this to the Legacy version!

    These lists are often involved in website breakage, and having sub-categories would make it easier to enable/disable unwanted stuff. Of course, I don't know if these newer sub-categories are fully compatible with Legacy. I'd expect them to, since the "main" Annoyances list I assume is the sum of all smaller sub-categories.

    (I've seen references to an "Annoyances bug" in older posts, but I'm not sure what that was/is.)


  11. Version works flawlessly - thanks again! Since uBO Legacy is important for many, many users I hope you will consider in the future uploading it somewhere where it can be easily installed and kept automatically up to date (e.g. Pale Moon Add-ons Site, GitHub or wherever you see fit).

    A suggestion for your consideration! There is a nice little improvement in the webextension, in the "Trusted sites" section. Default entries there have a different color and are separately sorted from the user-created entries. In the Legacy version, everything is thrown in together which can be a little confusing if many entries are present.

    Not an earth-shattering feature, but if it's easy to implement it'd be nice to have. :)

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