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Posts posted by Yawa

  1. Anyone installed Nod32 silent with an unattended xp cd?

    Tried it and RunOnceEx stops after installing Nod32 and loads WinXp desktop. (Nod32 is correctly installed)

    After restart the PC, RunOnceEx continues.

    I use only the switch /silentmode for silent installing. Not the /reboot switch.

    here`s my RunOnceEx for Nod32:

    REG ADD %KEY%\110 /VE /D "Nod32" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\110 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Nod32\setup.exe /silentmode" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\110 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Nod32\nod.reg" /f

    Any tips to solve this problem?

  2. I can add the drivers to OemPnPDriversPath and it installs correctly, but after this, a setup starts, because in the language folder is a setup.exe

    I checked the ini files, but there is no line that says "start setup.exe in the language folder". Only the language path is there.

    I think the unattended install for this setup would work with the switch -s, but where i have to add it?

  3. I have a Geforce and a nforce motherboard (MSI K7N2 Delta).

    Unpacked my detonator 61.77 driver and created a setup.issan.

    Then added these line to my RunOnceEx:

    REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\drivers\001_Graphics\setup.exe -s -f1\"%systemdrive%\drivers\001_Graphics\setup.iss" /f
    No error message during setup, but no driver was installed.


    Unpacked my Nforce drivers to %systemdrive%\drivers\000_Chipset and added this in my winnt.sif:


    (*inf is in every folder for the nforce driver)

    After restart i have the yellow sign at the SCSI-Controller. (I have no scsi-controller installed). The other drivers are correctly installed (USB, sound, ethernet, etc.)

    How can i solve these problems?

  4. Hi!

    I tried to use ORK for my Office2003 integration on my unattended XP-DVD.

    At step 5 of 24, i want to change the install folder to <Programme>\Microsoft Office

    (Programme is the german translation for program files)

    But ORK allows only <programfiles>\Microsoft Office

    and at the M$ page, there is no german version of ORK available.

    Any hints to install office unattended on my german WinXP?


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