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Posts posted by pulteny

  1. Hi all hope I have posted in correct area,

    As just about every one has abandoned xp I find some programs new versions will not run and I am left with running older ones.Ccleaner is the latest.

    When I ran Win 9x there is a up grade "KernelEx" that extended its use on newer stuff.

    Has any expert written a similar extension for XP?

    Thank's  JM.

  2. Hi all,

    It has been a few years since I last posted here. I have a ancient Gateway Win9x computer and formatted the the hard disc and re-instaled win98se but all my usb stuff  no longer work. I have the original drivers for the components but no go, got generic drivers for bridges no go. Did the work using gateway system cd.

    This is a very old project but because of lock down here in Scotland thought with your help might resurrect it. If you hunt through my posts it may help (very old) .

    Thank's in anticipation.   JM .

  3. Hi guys seems you are all pissed off with me. I have no intention to offend. Will call it a day for now. As a parting shot could one of you tell me in simple terms how to back up usb/chipset drivers as I have no intention of deleting mine with no back up. They may be small enough to go on a floppy, I also have a formatted cd-rw also which behaves like a huge floppy.


    Thank you for all the time and effort put in on my behalf.I understood submix8c ploy to get rid of Go-back after a few months perhaps it will dawn on me what you have been trying to tell me.


    Regards pulteny.

  4. All my USB devices were working before I wiped the hard drive.There is no reason to think that there is any problem there



    I installed only the first on the list, is this the"core".

    problemchyld/submix8c if you two want to talk computer speak go ahead this is over my head and not helpful.


    This post has had a lot of hits are any of you prepared to help in simple terms?


    liper are you still out there.


    Regards pulteny.

  5. the attached files were written in word97  I can open them with word 2003,this is  what I have on the old girl.


    Hi I installed only the first on the list, is this the"core"?


    I did screen shots from devise manager as did problemchyld


    I bought the USB stick thinking it was plug and play not so,went to Sandisk tec help and they gave a link to download stuff for Win98se, still the computer would not see it.

    I found out that a app on the stick U3 had to be disabled, did this on WinXP computer and all was good until I  wiped the hard drive


    An aside,

    Before go-back windows problem I took the memory and small hard drive from an old Gateway computer and installed it in mine,set up the IDE jumper pins to slave. When it was at the doctors he said it was set up wrongly. I never looked to see what he had done.can't see any conflict between IDE/USB.


    Maximus-Decim Native USB Drivers NUSB 3.6 or USBSTACK from SP3. where is this the on sp3 list, see my screen shot

    Intel 82371AB.doc

    Windows 98 Second Edition S P 3.49.doc

    USB Root Hub.doc

  6. drugwash/problemchyld,

    Hi I installed only the first on the list, is this the"core". I then installed the win9x drivers for cruser micro shut down and restarted computer. opened win explorer and it was not shown in my computer.





    Know next to nothing about chipset. Have looked in devise manager and all the north bridge and south bridge chipsets report working normal.


    Back to the drawing board.


    Regards pulteny.

  7. drugwash,

    Thank you for more information. From comments made by you and problemchyld this uSP3 is looking like a viable option.



    The list is over my head and understand little of it. I admit to being ignorant  but willing to learn from those who know. where to safely down load and how to install in simple terms would help. List is hard to follow as I am not used to reading in computer speak. As said above I am willing to look sceriously at this.



    You seem still on a Gateway theme quote from instruction manuel,


    "The Gateway System CD steps you through reinstalling Win95/98se. It atomatically reinstalls hardeware devise drivers and some software,you have three option".


    Install windows over windows. 1


    Delete windows and reinstall.   2


    Format drive and install windows.  3

    I chose the latter and hope chipset drivers were included automatically.


    Regards all.

  8. Hi drugwash,

    I read what you say and googled what you mentioned.However I have installed non msn software kernal.ex and as all worked before I formatted the hard drive I am not happy with installing more non microsoft stuff at present. Perhaps before it goes for recycling I will give it a try.

    Hi submix8c,

    We have crossed swordes before.You know a lot about win9x and appear to have knowlege about Gateway products.

    A lot of years a go I crashed windows and technical help at gateway Ireland guided me on the phone how to reinstall windows from supplied cd's. This was not very sucessfull and the thing was shiped back to Ireland and they did it for me.

    When it returned I found some of the installed software was up dated.perhaps an better version of 9x was fitted or newer than that I had on my cd.

    My gateway system disc is version 6.9 and I think it is" blow-away and you do the install "

    Your post becomes a bit too technical for the likes of me. I have gone back and read your previous advice and I think you know what you are talking about.I would be very gratefull if you could help me using the gateway cd's to get my usb drivers up and running.

    I  have six cd's in all including the dreaded go-back one.If you could be more direct on the information you need I will give it.

    I can't find the spell checker on this forum?

    Regards pulteny.


  9. Hi thank's for repy.

    When I bought the computer it came with backup cd's and a win9x disc One of the cd's was the" Gateway system" disc this contained drivers, bootable restoration cd. This was used to set up the hard drive and provided instructions in steps on how to format the drive and then install windows. All steps were done as and when prompted. As you my see it is a gateway computer.

    Hope I have explained enough?


    Regards Pulteny.

  10. Hi all The project continues but need help.

    Read this to see where I am coming from http://www.msfn.org/...s-up/?p=1084879


    I have got most things up and running from long lost cd's. The hard drive was formatted using the Gateway system cd,all is well but none of my USB adaptors will work.Looking in the Windows system they are installed but "not working" this seems to be a driver problem. I have the win9x drivers but try as I may the don't seam recognised by instal drivers wizard.


    Thought somthing was wrong with the USB system,but on advice from local computer shop tried a USB mouse and windows installed drivers and mouse worked.He said problem might lie in the registery?.Know nothing about this.A google look came legesy keyboarg in bios,enabled this but no effect.


    My USB adaptors are,  wireless conection to router, sandisk cruzer memoty stick.camera card reader and epson printer, all were working before formatting and I have supplied win98se drivers.


    Can any one help with this long term project.

    Regards Pulteny.

  11. Hi again,

    Super moderator.

    Yes your link is to page2 of my last post. I however do not know how to creat links or would have.



    thank you for info, kernelex now installed.


    My wireless adaptor still comes up with missing file mso9 dll have repeatly added drivers from cd supplyed so it was not the magic bullet I hoped for.


    Regards pulteny.

  12. Hi all,

    If you look at my previous post you will see what I am up to.Installed some of my previous programs but get dll errors. Decided to put in kernelex as last time this worked for me. The program insisted on first having microsoft layer for unicode (mslu). Downloaded this but it required  to be extracted ? to a folder in windows I think, did a google and was taken to a post here.


    Some one had the same problem and was advised to extract? it to c:\program files\common files\decisions\2.0\bin. Searched for this in windows but could not find it, tried anyway but was told it did not exist.


    Could any out there help and in very simple instructions tell me how to add unicode (mslu) into my win9x so that I may install kernelex to see if it fixes the dll situation.


    Thankyou in antipision  pulteny.

  13. Thankyou for that.

    I did have belarc on it but now gone like all the rest of my stuff.I did not think I would lose so much as I did not use the format and reinstall windows option.Well to late now.on this forum there is a lot of 9x information and I hoped somone here could direct me to useful information.

    I have a problem transferring information as my usb cruser memory stick drivers are gone,have disc for wireless adpter so might get the thing on the net?


    Redards pulteny.

  14. Hi  all again," ctrl alt g" did nothing for me. However things have moved on,tried to put windows over windows ended in the s*** ,then also with Gateway system disc deleted windows and reinstaled it.This has worked and computer running ok. I only have very old drivers on their discs most were up dated  on line at sometime or other. All my aplications have gone and only have a few on floppies or cd's.

    I intend to start another post and ask if any of you outhere could please advise me of sites on line that have drivers for win98se. You guys feel free to comment.

    Thankyou for your time and patience Regards pulteny.

    There is no go-back no more.

  15. Hi all,


    Keep your shirt on, your speaking to a auld mannie.I have looked at all your links and interesting reading they are.My sick computer will only run in safe mode and nothing is working that I could write to. Only the floppy disc works and this computer does not have a floppy reader.

    The option to put the gateway hard disc in this one might be  more than I am up to,the differance between ide and sata is bothering me ,how do you tell them appart.



    I removed go-back polling from start up made no differance and another version was installed on next boot up. How about if I take digital photographs from mscofig and post here.


    Regards pulteny.

  16. Hi drugwash

    Surely everyone has worked out that I am using my other less older computer to write here.

    Tried to open screenshot in paint but no luck. I seem to rember a screenshot would open with Word or note pad must ask my better half.Anyway how was I to send to here. Ithought about printing the shot out and scanning ,then attaching file on here.My old computer has no internet access to internet in safe mode. This would be read only and not a active file.



    Your info on removing go-back is for a version by Norton my one is by wildfile inc.on the Gateway banner.


    The doctor is getting a bit of stick here,he is a young guy and is not up on Win98se give him a break ,said there would be no charge but I insisted to pay what we had set on.


    The plot thickens pulteny.


    Up date managed to open in paint still need to know best way to post here?

  17. Hi again.


    Thank you for more replys .I am not very computer literate and a silver surfer.I have dug out the Gateway instruction book and read the details for installing windows over windows.No one has commented on the fact that it runs ok in safe mode.Surely if the cpu was over heating ths would happen there also.


    I failed to mention the doctor added another copy of win98 on ths second hard drive,he must hve tried to boot from this with no succes.


    glad of your continued intrest in my quest to get the thing up and running.


    Regards pulteny

  18. Hi again,


    Thank you for replies hope more to come. I would dearly like to  get rid of Go-back but as said  it goes into a  shut down loop and Go-back remains.


    Been inside and looks very dust free and clean, The doctor checked heat sink but could not find the problem, maybe a second opinion  is required but donot want to spend a lot of money on such an old machine.


    Moro coments please.


    Regards pulteny.

  19. Hi again,


    Thank you for replies hope more to come. I would dearly like to  get rid of Go-back but as said  it goes into a  shut down loop and Go-back remains.


    Been inside and looks very dust free and clean, The doctor checked heat sink but could not find the problem, maybe a second opinion  is required but donot want to spend a lot of money on such an old machine.


    Moro coments please.


    Regards pulteny.

  20. Hi all,


    I have an old gateway computer with win89 se, it has a pentium3 cpu and 650 MHerts speed also 300 odd Mb memory.


    It has taken to booting up ok and runs for about a min then locks up no mouse or keyboard. I also have go-back which is a form of system restore. A message often comes up saying go-back has shut down windows to prevent damage to files.

    It runs ok in safe mode,I have tried to remove go-back but get stuck in a loop of shutting down and never get to get rid of go-back.

    It has been to the doctors but because it is so old he says it is not worth spending money on and any way could not find the fault.

    There are two hard discs and Ithought about installing LINUX or somthing similair on the second drive.


    I know it is old but has some usefull stuff on the hard drive. As it will only run for a short time almost impossible to save data. I am somewhat attched to the thing anyway.


    Regars for any usefull advise. pulteny.

  21. Hi all.

    submixBc I used a prog. go-back to find the file as I am now running the older version of clamwin.I have put it on a memory stick.The use of properties tells me that it is" used by python's OS to work around a limitation in Win 95/98".

    I have never used these virus check sites so some help is required,do I copy and paste from memory stick or what?

    I am not too confident in working with program files! Will look into advise given as to changes in spybot.

    Regards pulteny.

  22. Hi all I am new to this forum, so beware of mistakes?

    I have an old Gateway computer running Win98se.My antivirus is the free version of clamwin and the antimalware is spybot search and destroy,A recent update to V0.97.5 of clamwin has brought up an issue with a file " w9xpopen.exe". spybot looks on this as a bad guy. clamwin will not open when this file is removed ,a catch 22 situation.

    Any of you out there run this combination?

    Regards pulteny.

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