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Posts posted by deliamadalina

  1. Thanks. I hope it will work. But I still have a few questions. Does the Trial of Team Foundation Server have any restrictions (accept the obvious one of 90 days)? The installation works even if i have Visual Studio 2008 installed on my PC? Can I import my application in Team Foundation Server? How does it work? Sorry for asking so many questions....

  2. Hy. I need some help with a problem i've got. I have a sql database and a visual studio aplication for which I have made a setup. I can install the setup on any PC connected to my wireless network and I can populate my database through it. This works just fine. But there is somenthing else i need to do. I want for my visual studio application, when I press a button, to launch an external application from my PC (GNS3.exe) . I have made it work on my computer (the server) with the following command: Process.Start("gns3.exe") or Process.Start("C:\users......\gns3.exe"). Now I want all the clients from my network to acces it as well, but i haven't been able to make it work.

    So, I want the users to acces a GNS3 application from my PC, i want them to be able to modify the application and save their work so that i can see later what they have done.

    I hope someone can help me, I wold really apreciate it. Thank you.

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