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Posts posted by ewilliams

  1. I am opening it going to only that page just to make sure everything is functioning correctly

    All you are doing is forcing a specific web page with a specific browser, that really isn't an test of the effectiveness/stability of your installation onto their hardware. Apart from that, I'm not naive, If you were simply checking functionality on a one time only basis why have you set it as their start page too?

    Additionally, I see no reason to force flashplayer and MSE on every customer either, (if someone requires flash they will be given the opportunity to install it from most sites using it, and MSE is not everyone's choice, only yours, some may prefer a full security suite or free products from companies like BitDefender or AVIRA.

    BTW, if you wish to receive a response to your question, you'd be more likely to get your wish if you provided a reasonably detailed explanation on which method(s) of installation you are using with each specific Operating System.

    Most of my customers are around 50 years old and just want antivirus I set the homepage to my company facebook just so they can get updates they are free to change anything they wish. I just do that by default. I use a new windows installation and key for each install.

  2. Although you are likely installing 64-bit onto every unit with a 64-bit CPU, I would suggest that you check the 'bitness' of the Operating System not that of the Hardware.

    Using a 'batch file', (your request), you can probably do this with WMIC.

    The following three lines could replace the first five lines previously provided by jaclaz

    SET "Bits=32"

    Off Topic, I think that you are very wrong opening someone's Internet Explorer browser without them having had the opportunity to configure or update/patch it first.

    I am opening it going to only that page just to make sure everything is functioning correctly

    But still can anyone help me?????????????

  3. I am trying to make that .bat file automatically run directly after finishing the windows installation

    You can put that bat file or its shortcut in the startup folder, it will run automatically on first logon.

    I know I can do that. But then I would have to restart the computer. I would be better off just clicking on the .bat file. I am trying to do it like in the Setupcomplete.cmd or something to that nature

  4. I own a small computer repair shop and am trying to make a .bat file run directly after the installation of windows is finished. I will need it for windows 7 and xp. Here is my .bat file

    Set RegQry=HKLM\Hardware\Description\System\CentralProcessor\0
    REG.exe Query %RegQry% | Find /i "x86"
    If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
    GOTO X86
    ) ELSE (
    GOTO X64


    @echo off
    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\INTERNET EXPLORER\MAIN" /V "START PAGE" /D "http://facebook.com/pcmscomputers" /F
    start iexplore http://facebook.com/pcmscomputers
    "1 MSE Win 7 - 32.exe"
    "Flash 32.exe"
    "2 Drivers.exe"



    @echo off
    REG ADD "HKCU\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\INTERNET EXPLORER\MAIN" /V "START PAGE" /D "http://facebook.com/pcmscomputers" /F
    start iexplore http://facebook.com/pcmscomputers
    "1 MSE Win 7 - 64.exe"
    "Flash 64.exe"
    "2 Drivers.exe"


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