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Posts posted by Mikeyo

  1. With only a couple of days left before the big Halo 2 release my anxity is increasing. The last time I was so anxious for a game was Super Mario Bros. 3.

    What was the last game you couldn't sleep over.

  2. When I see an awesome game on the TV that I want to buy I found out recently that my overall purchase factor is what system does it come out for. I had this thought the other day when I saw the new GTA game come out.

    I own all the systems except for Game Cube (I soled it because my wife got sick of me playing animal crossing all the time.) , but I have a favorite console the xbox.

    Granted I will buy GTA for PS2, but the same thing happened with the other games: When they came out for Xbox I swapped over. Now I don't want to sell my PS2 for reason like this, but don't you think that all games should come out for all the systems so we don't have to purchase new consoles?

  3. well the xbox is a computer essentially. And you can still have your huge in one room sweaty deathmatches. We linked up 16 people in a small appartment playing the new rainbow six 3 and we blew a fuse.

    I donated blood for the new burnout 3 and my soul for Halo 2. Man that game looks great.

    The only thing that (in the last 6 months) is that there weren't a whole lot of games that I really wanted to play. Now all of sudden kick a** games are floating to the surface. I just hope we don't have any droughts.

  4. Ok here's the deal:

    My friend was having a major problem on his older computer so he gave it to me to fix. I first determind that it was spyware that was bogging down the CPU. He didn't care if I reformatted the drive and start over. That's what I did everything was fine and I even added an extra 128 mb of ram.

    Now the computer runs fast, but now he can't install any software. A message that stats "Setup 32 has caused error in Kernal32.dll" blew my mind, because essentially the operating system should be running at a "New Computer" mind set.

    Any clues?


    Duron Processor

    192 Mb RAM

    Windows ME

    I tried searching the internet, but nothing seem to be similar to what I got

  5. Hello All,

    My name is Mikeyo and I have obtain the knowledge on fixing computers back in the 386 days. It started when I had to modify my autoexec.bat file to play War Craft I. When I did I crashed my parent old computer. With the fear of being yelled at for this I had to franticly fix the problem before they came home.

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