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Posts posted by LongtimeAtariUser

  1. Hello, I am a newbie here but have read many posts regarding nvidia and 512mb video card issues with Win98.

    My recently buit system is using an Intel D865GSA motherboard and a Nvidia 6200 512mb AGP card. After much fidgeting and multiple clean installs, I have been able to achieve partial functionality, but not quite there.

    With the 85.69 driver and tweaks for memory I ws able to get windows functional with the 1440x900 native res of my monitor, basic functionality there is ok. DXDIAG runs ok, as well as some old 3d benchmarks. My trouble lies with Plus!98 Organic Art screensavers and the game Ultima IX. When hardware acceleration is turned on for the screensaver, or in the game, the base shapes are there with no texture or detail (not sure what this part of video rendering is called). The common denominator for both of these is the use of OpenGL.

    Is this a symptom of the problems posted elsewhere regarding 512MB video cards? Some other problem I havn't been able to find mention of? Is it a common nvidia problem for that generation of boards?

    I have 1GB of ram, and have settings of MaxFileCache=131072, MaxPhysPage=20000. My AGP aperature is currently set to 256MB, performs same at 128MB, and win98 failed utterly with 64MB or lower AGP aperature setting.

    Please advise. I am expecting I will need a 256MB or lower video board. Has anyone suscessfully used a 6200 256MB without issues?

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