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Posts posted by Dapper

  1. I have just added Mcaffee Enterprise 7.1 to my unattended CD. I used the following method.

    1. In the following Folder I copied all of the installation files and called it "Mcaffee":


    2. then I added the following to my RunOnceExe.cmd:

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Network Associates Total Virus Scan 7.1" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\mcafee\setup.exe /qn" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "regedit /s %systemdrive%\install\Applications\mcafee\mcafee.reg" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 3 /D "sleep /10" /f

    3. Saved the RunOnceExe.cmd to C:\XPCD\$OEM$

    4. Created a Bootable XP CD

    5. Mcaffee installed itself quietly with no problem....

    Hope this helps,

    Dapper :)

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