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Posts posted by Neustaedter

  1. Add from=/bt3 to your isolinux append line. Make sure you have livecd.sgn in the bt3 folder.


    Here's some tips for multibooting other distros:

    Chris D'Hondt (cmdhondt @ hotmail.com)

    Changes to Support Multibooting Linux Live CDs on the Same Disc (14,June 2008)

    This assumes that your disc label is "AdminToolkit" and that your linux directory

    on the root of your disc is called LINUX. Change ISOLinux kernel and append statements as needed.

    Almost all of these changes deal with editing files inside the initrd.

    This file is usually a gzipped cpio or a gzipped ext2 image.

    Knoppix - use the knoppix_name and knoppix_dir cheatcodes on ISOLinux initrd boot paramaters.

    DSL - See Knoppix

    Zenwalk - need to change name of livecd.sgn and edit liblinuxlive to change LIVECDSGN and LIVECDNAME variables

    from=/LINUX/ZENWALK needs to be added on isolinux append line.

    root password is ZenLive.

    Fedora - Username is root, no password. initrd0.img is gzipped cpio.

    To unpack: $> mkdir /home/user/tmp

    $> mv initrd0.img initrd0.gz

    $> gunzip initrd0.gz

    $> cd tmp

    $> cpio -id < ../initrd0

    $> mv ../initrd0 ../initrd0_old

    needed to change the sections in 'init' where it referenced the LiveOS directory.

    ie.. OSMINSQFS, EXT3FS, SQUASHED. You also need to change the lines right above so

    the files can be found

    To pack:

    $> cd /home/user/tmp

    $> find . | cpio --create --format='newc' > ../initrd0.img

    $> cd ..

    $> mv initrd0.img initrd0

    $> gzip initrd0

    $> mv initrd0.gz initrd0.img

    Ubuntu - need to change casper in initrd/scripts

    change all $Path/casper to $Path/LINUX/UBUNTU/casper

    change $mountpoint/.disk/casper-uuid to $mountpoint/LINUX/UBUNTU/.disk/casper-uuid

    change all $Directory/casper to $Directory/LINUX/UBUNTU/casper

    See above (Fedora) for cpio extraction and compilation.

    Kubuntu - See Ubuntu

    Linux Mint - See Ubuntu

    OpenSuSE - need to change config.isoclient file to point new location for

    openSUSE-10.3.i386*. Also need to change init and linuxrc so

    that LIVECD_CONFIG points to config.isoclient in the right place.

    See above (Fedora) for cpio extraction and compilation.

    Mandriva - needed to modify linuxrc and change LABEL to AdminToolkit

    also change /live/media/distrib.sqfs to correct path.

    Clonegenius- need to change copy path in init under "Mounting Squashfs filsystem"

    ISOLinux append line needs SUBDIR=LINUX/GENTOO added

    CloneZilla - add /live_media/LINUX/CLONEZILLA to live_media_path_checklist in


    add /live_media/LINUX/CLONEZILLA to possible_path variable in ocs-live.d/s03prep-drbl-clonezilla

    add /live_media/LINUX/CLONEZILLA to possible_path variable in S99start-ocs-live in /etc/rcS.d

    put changed S99start-ocs-live in the root of initrd

    need to change casper in initrd/scripts

    change all $Path/casper to $Path/LINUX/CLONEZILLA/casper

    change all $Directory/casper to $Directory/LINUX/CLONEZILLA/casper

    at the bottom (line right before the brace) create a new line and add

    cp S99start-ocs-live "${rootmnt}/etc/rcS.d/"

    See above (Fedora) for cpio extraction and compilation.

    PCLinuxOS - need to change linuxrc in initrd (ext2 image).



    Change all $MNTCDROM/livecd.sqfs to $MNTCDROM/LINUX/PCLINUXOS/livecd.sqfs

    Kaspersky - In init change ${cdrom_mount_point}${SUBDIR}/kavresc to ${cdrom_mount_point}${SUBDIR}/LINUX/KASPERSKY/kavresc

    Gentoo based.

    Gentoo - In ISOLinux config change loop=image.squashfs to loop=/LINUX/GENTOO/image.squashfs

    In ISOLinux config add SUBDIR=LINUX/GENTOO

    Backtrack - In ISOLinux config add from=/LINUX/BACKTRACK

    Virtualbox is a good way to test your changes

    To get eth0 interface working in VirtualBox, you need the Bridge_Utils package:

    $> brctl addbr br0

    $> ifconfig eth0

    $> brctl addif br0 eth0

    $> ifconfig br0 netmask

    Hi - I know my question is not quite right positioned here, but anyway....

    I followed your instruction to build a multiboot USB-pendrive with ubuntu and pmagic located in subfolders on the stick. I am using syslinux v.3.71 and it works fine with pmagic, but with ubuntu I found no way to get it work. It starts up fine first, but then the boot-process stops on the bootscreen (with the scrollbar scrolling around) with alternating access on the USB-stick and then the CD-drive. I assume that it has something to do with the mountpoint in initrd/scripts/casper, but I have no idea what the stick's mountpoint is - I tried /media/CORSAIR already (regular mountpoint under installed Ubuntu), but that doesn't work. So any hint would be greately appreciated...

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