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Posts posted by DavidCulliford

  1. I have added the Hotfixes and Updates for Windows XP including .net. I can now get Microsoft Streets and Trips 2008 to load on the copy of Windows XP that I have installed on my D:/ drive. The 2010 copy no longer informs me that it needs to load .net but says that it still needs to load Microsoft Office Access Database Engine and the Visual Basic C++ Redistributable Package. The computer then hangs up and I must push and hold the power button to get it to recover. When I use the Remove Programs feature both of these packages show up. This version of XP also takes a long time to start responding on power up.

    I have the version of windows XP that came with the computer still working on the C:/ drive. On it I can load Streets and Trips 2010 and it responds much quicker to turn on.

    Is there something about trying to run Windows on the D:/ drive that creates the problem?

    Do I need to keep the earlier versions of .Net? D:/ has 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 as well as 3.5 SP1.

    If I ever manage to load Streets and Trips 2010 on D:/ how can I get rid of XP on C:/? Can I just format the disc or would that mess up the log on which now shows both versions and allows me to pick one.

    I am including the Last Session just in case you are interested.


  2. Sorry to be so helpless but:

    I downloaded all the high priority updates as per the xdot.tk/nliteimages.html site. When I look at the Hotfixes etc. images, the first entyr is .NET Framework v2.0 SP1. When I look at the ryanvm.ne site you mentioned earlier and check out the downloads I get a compressed file onepiece_Micorsoft.net_Frameword... When this is unpacked it has many files not the single one in the Hotfixes example list. Do I select all files for integration or is there somewhere I can get the current version of .Net?

    Thanks again,


  3. Quite correct. I was just following the instructions in a web article without enough care. Here is a new attempt.

    The Wireless now works.

    I don't get the Realteck notices.

    The problem I am still having is trying to load Microsoft Streets and Trips. I have tried both the 2008 and 2010 versions. I had both running on this machine with the version of Windows XP Home Edition which was in fact SP3 that is on the eeePc disc. In both cases hangs on an early screen saying "Please wait while .net is installed".

    Is there something else I took out that needs to be there?

    Any other ideas.


  4. Sorry, thought I attached files. Selected them in Browse but didn't see Attach button.

    I tried rerunning the Realteck setup. It didn't make any difference but as I said, I can live with that.

    I reloaded the iso, this time in the C:\ drive, again reformatting it with NTSF.

    I got all the same results.

    I run the wireless setup, Windows gives me the "Windows cannot configure..." screen.

    I try to load Microsoft Streets and Trips, it hangs up at the "Please wait while .net is installed" which is the first of 4 things it says it will install.

    I can do all of these things normally when I use the original installation disk on this PC. I believe its Windows is the Home Edition with SP2.

    It must be something that I have left out. Any ideas what?




  5. I have an eeePC with two solid state drives, c:\ has 4 gb while D:\ has 8.

    I have a copy of Windows XP SP2 which I slipstreamed with SP3 using nLite.

    I obtained drivers from the Asus site and merged them with nLite output.

    I then applied the Tweaks etc as shown on the web site www.i64x.com.

    I burned the resulting iso and loaded the XP software in the D:\ drive using a quick format of NTSF.

    Windows XP runs and is stable but I have the following problems:

    On startup 3 programs, skytel.exe, rthdcpl.exe, and alcmtr.exe generate messages saying that they can not run because dsound.dll is missing. This is not critical and I can dismiss the messages.

    I cannot get my internal 802.11n Wireless Lan to work. The Device Manages says that it is working properly. When I click on the icon on the bottom of the screen it says "Windows cannot configure this wireless connection"

    I have a dwa-160 usb wireless adapter that comes with its own configuration software. I tried to install and use this. The software says that it is connected but the icon at the bottom of the screen shows red and it doesn't work. I really need WLAN capability.

    I tried to load Microsoft Streets and Trips from a DVD. I get a message saying that it must load Microsoft .net framework, Text to Speech features, access database engine and visual C++ redistributable package. A message comes up saying "Please wait while .net is installed." The machine hangs there and the only way to turn it off is to push and hold the power button. My whole reason for trying to do a small Windows installation is so that I can run this program on the eeePc.

    Do you have any idea how I could address these problems?

    Did I leave something out in the Customizing that needs to be included?


  6. I have integrated XP Home Edition SP2 with SP3, then added the drivers I downloaded from ASUS. Next I precessed the selections for Components, Unattended etc as per the web site. This I loaded onto the D:\ drive of my eeePc 901 since it has 8 GB while c:\ has only 4.

    Windows loads and runs, however it can't configure my wireless adapter. I get the message "Windows cannot configure this Wireless Connection". I tried running the .exe that Asus provides for the adapter but it didn't change anything. I have a D-Link USB wireless adapter. I tried to connect that using the accompanying DVD. I got the same message. An icon was generated on the desktop but clicking it had no effect.

    Unfortunately I chose to redo the file system when loading Windows and lost my Last Session file (along with all of the rest of the Nlite files). Is there something in the customizing that I might have missed?

    I also tried to load Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010. I got a message that a number of files must be loaded including .net. After some drive activity the computer stopped accessing the drive and the installation proceeded no further.

    How would you suggest I approach these problems?


  7. My first attempt to install XP was with a file I generated on a computer running Windows 7. It did install and work to some extent. It would hang up on power down and sometimes I could get it working again.

    I followed the advice I got to my response and generated the XP file from the computer running XP. It never installed. Both attempts were from the same USB drive.

  8. I loaded Windows XP Home edition, onto the Asus eee 901 PC SP3 using the restore disc. The eee has two solid state drives, C: with 4 GB and D: with 8. XP loaded and all drivers were properly loaded. After Windows is loaded, drive C: is about half full.

    I load Programs in D; to preserve space on C: The program I most want to use is Microsoft Streets and Trips. Unfortunately, even though the Streets and Trips Program goes in D:, it still results in over 400 MB, an mdb, of data in the Windows Documents and Settings, Applications Data folder, on drive C: with Windows . This leaves the machine close to useless. It is for this reason I am trying to load nLite.

    I used the Asus eee with the XP OS to generate a new iso. using a copy of Windows XP Home Edition SP2 which I bought separately since the restore disc is a ghost image. When I tried to load this onto the eee I got the blue screen of death. This happened after the drivers had been copied and as it started to set up Windows. It did not prevent the original version of XP from continuing to work.

    Using XP as opposed to Windows 7 to generate the iso seems to have been less successful.

    I set the processor type to "auto" and get a choice of "C-step i486" or "other". I choose the first.

    The blue screen suggests running Checkdisc/F which I did but it made no difference.

    The message was: Stop 0x0000007b(0xf79fe524, 0x0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

    Any more suggestions?


    Last Session_u.ini

  9. I have run the iso a number of times now and always end up with the same problem. When I shut down the machine it ends up with a black screen with the white cursor. I can use the power button to shut it down but when it reboots it goes into the Widows screen and sits there. None of the keys are active at this point.. I have had trouble loading the ACPI driver and don't know if this is the cause of my other problems. I have had this problem at different times after the install, most recently, just after loading other drivers but initially later when trying to load other software from a USB DVD drive.

    Any ideas how I can overcome this problem

    Last Session.ini

  10. I tried to set the passwords to blank and used several names. I am unable to get past the password requirement screen when booting into XP so can't set it up or use it. I tried redoing the ISO but that didn't solve the problem. I found that a lot of the options were no longer available as they were saved from the previous session.

    How can I get around the password problem?

    How can I start an entirely new ISO?

    Dave Culliford

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