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Posts posted by mrx

  1. Hi,

    A tweak that is not in the master tweaks list is this one...

    -- disable windows image and fax viewer

    - the built in viewer is awful and irfanview is far better


    delete the MayChangeDefaultMenu key


    and delete the subkey: MayChangeDefaultMenu

    Images will now open in your default viewer by double-clicking. You can

    still right-click and select PREVIEW if you want to open it in Image Preview.

    If you want to get rid of the PREVIEW menu option entirely, you can go to

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesCLSID{e84fda7c-1d6a-45f6-b725-cb260c236066}InProcServer3 and for the (Default) Value, delete the data so it is empty, "". Reboot. No more "Preview" option on right-click.

  2. I am trying to adjust xp's visual settings e.g. the settings when you right click on my computer and are in performance section and control things like drop shadows on desktop icons, smooth edge of screen fonts etc.

    I have seen many posts previously that detail the visualfxsetting tweak but i see that it is not listed in the master .reg tweaks. I cannot get this tweak working properly because when i change the visualfxsetting to a 2 it alters the tickboxes, but with the setting on 3 it does not change anything.

    Here are the registry settings. The setting of visualfxsetting of 3 is supposed to give a customized set of settings and settings underneath this are supposed to control the visual effects... But I cannot get them working, what am i doing wrong ?































    ECHO "DefaultApplied"=dword:00000000
















    Anyone help and from what i can see this is not possible. However if it is possible it would make a good entry into the master .reg tweaks.

  3. I have a query with the VisualFXSetting"=dword:00000003 tweak with the customized options for it. Basically what i`m trying to do is to enable only certain visual fx which are smooth edge of scrren fonts and drop shadows on desktop icons, all the rest i want un switched or disabled.

    Do you have to somehow refresh the display settings or something to get this tweak implemented because I cannot seem to get it working properly or is it a tweak to load with windows. When i change the visualfxsetting to a 2 it does alter the tickboxes in system properties, performance, but with the setting on a 3 it does not alter the tickboxes.

    Anyone help ?



  4. Just started going through Johnnys registry file and here are my initial findings...

    The "IRQ8Priority"=dword:00000001 tweak is a complete myth - it does not do anything and if necessary needs minusing out of the registry.

    The AlwaysUnloadDLL is a useless tweak as it will have a negative affect on performance if you reopen applications not too long before closing them. If you have loads of ram like most people than this tweak is to be avoided as it will free up ram that most of us want.

    I notice that you do not have the contigfileallocsize tweak in, so you must know this is for win9x only ?

    The same goes for the IoPageLockLimit which I notice is also missing, which is good as it is not valid in xp.

    Anyway still going through it. Good work !

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