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Posts posted by gangbang

  1. hello i have had a lot of problems with usbbootwatcher i tried to do according to the instruction but it didn't work BSOD everytime after the restart i even used psexec -i -d cmd.exe to elevate bootwatcher and still gave me BSOD finally after a lot of search i found another easy method to install xp to usb i tried it and it worked smoothly.

    thanks for the help though.

    here i share the url


  2. hello guys i have a USB HDD and i want to install xp on one of the partitions by the way i have partitioned the USB it to 4 partitions 3 primary and 1 logical partitions i have sucessfuly installed windows 7 on the first USB primary partition and it worked but installing xp always causes problems and i need xp because my computer is old since i had hard time installing xp i was forced to install windows 7 but i dont have drivers for windows 7 (no sound and display drivers) the second USB partition is logical it has a lot of important files and it has a big encrypted truecrypt virtual image i wanted to install xp on the USB third partition(primary) i tried other xp to usb tools but all of them halted with BSOD i have no CD so i want to install from the fourth USB partion which is primary to my 3 usb partition or from my internal HDD to the 3rd usb partition

    how can i do please help.

    thank you

  3. hello guys i have a USB HDD and i want to install xp on one of the partitions by the way i have partitioned it to 4 partitions 3 primary and 1 logical partitions i have sucessfuly installed windows 7 on the first primary partition and it worked but xp always causes problems and i need xp because my computer is old since i had hard time installing xp i installed windows 7 but i dont have drivers for windows 7 the second is for file storage and it has encrypted truecrypt virtual image i wanted to install xp on the third partition i tried other xp to usb tools but all of them halted with BSOD i don't have CD so i want to install from from either hard disk to 3 usb primary partition or from one of the usb partitions to the other usb partition in this case the 3 primary.

    how can i do it with this tool.

    thank you

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