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Posts posted by ownage11

  1. Hello hello,

    surely i'm going to help you in everything needed, just tell me exactly the parts you want me to check out, since I know most of the old feels in win2000 + XP include in gaming tested my self for hours.

    As I said before, I am running on my machine at the moment multiple operation systems. XP , 7 (64bit), 2000pro(virtual machine)

    I am a risky guy anyway will try everything over there,

    Thanks again Mark, I'm waiting for it.

    Will also send you a private message right now!

  2. Thank you for the information really care deeply about how things worked in 2000,

    I still got 2000 at the moment but on a Virtual machine,

    I would like to give it a shot for you'r magic curves I'll check that out and give a report back.

    By the way is the custom curves you made for me mark can have any useful fix? or it's the only option of that release? (Feels close)

  3. Interesting, Good job Jaclaz,

    Against I am srry if the Edited hurt to you and rest of the people, I was thinking is good idea cuz I've posted that the MarkC Builder isn't working with the W2K Feels,

    And he already confirmed that. so my bad :(

    Anyway you're all right we've to keep looking for the best & help eachother it's the most important after all i'm positive guy and would like to help !

    to get back exactly the old Acceleration of Windows 2000, But trust me I'm not the one you are looking for that :)

    I don't have any experience to edit the curve mouse/moves, Even thought you'r tools help to people and doing great job Keep it up.


  4. Thank you Fernando, you are welcome.

    Another question before i'm going to IDE, there is anything that I have to add/make up in the CD with NLite?

    And if you please can explain to me what to add? chipest what hardware (PNP Mode, or Text mode), I have no experience in that all, And after I wasted 8 disks, I'm just afraid to try more 10x times and failed again :rolleyes:

  5. Hmm so from what you saying, it's mean thats impossible to run it on my machine ?

    Well I don't mind even to change back to IDE, but there is some big reason that I need the Win200 version....

    I would like to know if someone there have any idea or option that might be work,

    - I'm on dual boot, so it's will be my secound OS.

    Thank you.

  6. Hello people,

    I need your special help, I have tried close to 8 times to install Windows 2000 SP4, Wasted already 8 disk's I bet, And Yesh i'm so nervous even after I cannot install it proper,

    Anyway I know it's because I've a new Computer with SanderBridge/ Intel i5 2500k processor & Mother board of Gigabyte p67a-ud4-b3,

    I remember that I had the same error/problem when tried to install WinXP long time AGO but it's solve anyway I'm really interesting and need the 2000 version.

    - * Ah I forgot to say that i'm using AHCI mode.

    I will do everything to run this OS, if someone please can explain to me, I did some many change and things In the Nlite and noting work for me,

    Tried to copy manual by the orginal Disk that came from the Store, At first I made a mistake I guess that I used the PNP Normal mode,

    Then someone told me that I've to use the Textmode even that failed... So I just download some last pack of drivers include everything from the last November 2011. And I just puted everything into the Disk & The result was like some weird error like :Line 11233 error, What ever I'm sure there is a solution and thats why i'm here and write to you all that story ;)

    Thanks in advance & sorry for my english.

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