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Posts posted by Cyrius

  1. Gpupdate didnt do anything, that is part of the reason I was worried. BUT the systems started to fill in. It just took two days.

    Upon researching why it appears this particular type of policy requires a full reboot, and two at that. One to initiate the change and one to apply it is how I read it described.

    They also suggested requiring full network credentials instead of cached credentials but I did not do that because many of our users use laptops, and i did not want to potentially stop offsite logins. (Computer config -> Policies -> Adm. Templates -> System -> Logon -> 'Always wait for the network at computer startup and login')

    Sorry to waste your time! At least this may help someone else who is in panic mode like I was.

  2. Hi,

    I have a policy created for my new WSUS install, which contains basically all endpoint client computers. All the GPO does is set the update interval and point to my intranet WSUS server.

    The issue I am having is that I created a security group in AD which contains all of my endpoints that I plan on pointing to the WSUS server, but only a handful of my approximately 50 endpoints are actually picking up the policy.

    I had read somewhere that this could be a DNS issue, so I checked there. There were duplicate entries for my DC, but removing the duplicates did not change anything.

    Also, to be clear I used Computers, not Users in the group. I had made that mistake already.

  3. I am not sure if this should be in the server side area, but I am having issues with clients connecting to Exchange 2010 via Outlook 2010.

    The users do not run in cached exchange mode because I had issues there as well (computer locks, connection drops they have to re-login, got sick of the tears of my users etc) but not being in CEM requires an initial login.

    All is fine and dandy but sometimes the server is shown as unavailable and I can't figure out what is causing it. I thought maybe we need more Exchange Standard CALs, but a colleague told me that the server will not reject connections because of CAL. (Not sure if this is correct). We have 45 CALs, but never 45 concurrent users.

    One thing I should note is that through ADSIedit on the exchange server I have limited the size to which store.exe will grow. It was climbing up to around 20GB of memory usage and I had to put an end to that.

    My gut says its the CALs, but I would like to know some of your thoughts.


  4. Hi guys, I was wondering if you could give me a hand with an SQL query, I am rusty.

    I need to show a user's name rather than the integer for their name. For example, the code below is showing 318512 as the user for inside sales on a customer.

    I got the key relationship set up right (I think) but I need the columns Inside Sales and Outside sales to show U.First_Name+U.Last_Name.

    One other confusing me is the foreign key being tied to two fields.

    I used the left outer join because there are some null values in the customer table for both Inside and Outside sales.


    C.Name AS 'Customer Name',





    C.Out_Sales AS 'Outside Sales',

    C.In_Sales AS 'Inside Sales'


    ON C.Out_Sales = U.User_No

    AND C.In_Sales = U.User_No

    WHERE Customer_Type = 'Retail'

  5. I prefer Nvidia cards myself, but that's just (mostly) unwarranted brand loyalty. SLI works real well (although some games have issues with multiple cards)

    Also, if you are playing games that use PhysX, many Nvidia cards will hardware support this and pull the processing away from your CPU.

    The newer Radeons are better if you want to have a single very powerful card though.

    Look for a card with faster memory, not necessarily more memory. Try to find a balance here. Clock speeds can be more important than the amount of memory.

  6. Well, that is where I am looking, but I was looking for a domain policy. Is there a better way to do it?

    I am also looking at an email archiver, primarily the Barracuda Message Archiver because a colleague recommended it, but I don't know if I will be able to sell it to management.

  7. Hi everybody,

    I am looking for a way to disallow permanent email deletion. I want users to be able to delete their emails and move it to the deleted folder, but not permanently delete.

    Or as an alternative, I would like to remove the Folder Options button from the ribbon, which would block 'Recover Deleted Items' with the option to 'Purge' emails.

    I have the Office14 ADM template, and I can remove folders from the ribbon, BUT Microsoft's link to the ribbon object IDs is a deadlink, and I have been unable to find any information on it elsewhere.

    If these ideas seem like overkill or something, let me know what you do in your business!


  8. I should mention I found a fix and it is working now...

    BUT the fix is clearing the auto-complete cache, or manually deleting it as sometimes clearing it didn't work.

    The file path is %AppData%\Local\Microsoft\Outlook\RoamCache\Stream_Autocomplete.dat

    Not too big of a concern for me, but the users threw a fit, but eventually I got them on board.

    Cached Exchange Mode toggle did not work, by the way.

  9. I would like to update this, I need a hand. I have tried recreating the profile again,. The disconnected mailbox is gone, but the email is trying to hit this instead of the email:


    ANY help would be great, I am not sure what is going on here.

    EDIT: I think this may actually just be an autocomplete address problem.

    Will test using NK2editor

  10. So I am using a login script to map drives and set a time server, but sometimes it is beginning commands before finishing the previous one, and the drives don't properly map.

    Is there a way to pause the script/slow it down so that commands will finish?

    I do not want to use the PAUSE command because it requires input from the user...

    EDIT: Here is what I have, tried putting the time server command at the end to give it a short slowdown...

    @echo off

    net use /delete U: /yes

    net use /delete W: /yes

    net use U: \\SERVER\users\%UserName%

    net use W: \\SERVER\public


  11. I was able to join the domain after using static though.

    I will try to figure out what is going on with my DNS/DHCP.

    I removed a remote replication server from the DNS server list and I think that may have also helped.

    Honestly right now on the DC I am jumping from issue to issue right now and I think it is all due to poor replication set up by my predecessor.

    VPN through a $40 netgear at a datacenter serving 40 other customers? COME ONNNN

  12. I have dug into this and everything appears to be working correctly on the server. I think it is an AD-Integrated DNS problem, but like I said it appears to be working.

    This problem is beyond me at this point.

    I will be calling MS support on this one I think. I will post the solution once I have it in case anybody else comes across this.

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