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Posts posted by Ashleythetiger

  1. ok i think i was using microsoft windows XP when i 1st bought the drive

    then i changed to windows Vista

    the test disk one i am using is 6.12 version and the download is win 32

    the files (you mean what i had saved on it?) are mostly videos, some music, pictures and some word docs,

    and it will take a little while to get a log:(

    I hope thats some of what you asked for again as said sorta a newbie at this

    tho i have noticed i think i have a problem with my hard drives boot thing but the partitions seem fine (meaning i only have one shown the bootable file)

    tho i have noticed that it seems to think my drive is a mac thing not a PC so it selects the 2nd option in the file disk thing

  2. ok no idea how to link a pic yet still new to this

    anyway did a lot of searches for a solution and maybe i not worded it right but still no idea

    i have a 500 GB exterbal hard drive i did a scan i got this from a deeper scan (i dont really understand this stuff and i hope someone does)

    Disk/dec/sdb - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63

    the harddisk <500 GB / 465 GiB > seems too small! << 2751 GB / 2562 GiB>

    Check the harddisk size: GC jumpers settings, BIOS detection....

    the following partitions can`t be recoverered:

    Partittion start End Size in sectors

    HPFS 117934 149 48 334555 194 14 3480019167

    FAT12 191485 223 34 322382 104 38 2102836748

    and this is what my boot thing says

    Disk/dec/sdb - 500 GB / 465 GiB - CHS 60802 255 63

    Partittion start End Size in sectors

    HPFS - NTFS 0 1 1 60801 254 63 976784067

    Boot sector


    Backuo boot sector

    btfs_boot_sector: cant read backup boot sector


    sectors are not identical

    a valid NTFS Boot sector must be present in order to access any data; even if the partition is not bootable.


    • [ORG. BS] [Rebuild BS] [DUMP]

    newbie on this stuff here I hope someone can make head or tales as to what i need to do

    thank you

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