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Posts posted by Hans5849

  1. What components are you believeing you need to add or remove after installing those applications? and why not use the .sif?


    I remove MSN Explorer, and add P2P & UPnP.

    I'm doing it through this method because I use nlite to make the install and if I were to add the lines in in the .sif it would get removed the next time. This way next time I can't forget to add the install to it.

  2. I am trying to setup my computer to automatically install windows components when I reinstall XP. So far I have found these two sites.

    Install Windows Components from Command Line - Network Administration & Consulting Services

    How to add or remove Windows Components by using Sysocmgr.exe

    So I have the control panel setup to run after my applications install themselves (Apps= Windows Installer and .Net 1.1-3.5) with

    ECHO Installing Windows Components
    ECHO Please wait...
    start /wait %windir%\system32\sysocmgr.exe /i:%windir%\inf\sysoc.inf /u:%systemdrive%\install\sysoc.inf /r /q

    The only problem is I can not figure out what to put into the sysoc.inf file and know what components it relates to. So this is what is in that file



    And I can't find a list to relate to what programs I want installed.

  3. for some reason after i reinstalled WMP will only add 800 some of my songs, i have over 4000. I would think that maybe i had some hard drive corruption except for the fact that Winamp finds and plays them all. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but i can't figure it out and i need some help.

  4. So my dad bought a gateway computer a while back and after my brother and sister destroyed it with spyware and viruses i took most of the parts picked up a case, PSU, and mobo and built them a decent computer.

    Well last week the hard drive died (it was a crappy one any ways) and i replaced it with a nice 200GB WD SATA. Well now i have to install windows again with out having to use the orig gateway XP install CD. So i borrowed a coppy of XP home from a friend and ripped what i needed from it and set up a unattended install. Well the product key that gateway provided wasn't valid with the real version of XP and im stuck.

    I have a valid key so i don't want to go and find one on the net to use, but i really need this computer working (im tired of them using my nice box). I called MS they told me to call gateway, gateway told me to call MS. So im woundering if you guys have something that i could do, because if i don't get this solved soon im going to call up gateway and microsoft at the same time and then let them have it.

    -Ready to kill

  5. ok, i posted before that i couldn't clear the read only attribute on one of my hard drives. Well iwas just checking and i realized the for some reason all of my folers are marked with the read only attribute and i can not clear it. There has to be some simple explination for this.

  6. Ok, for some reason my folders My Music and Videos (these are the only folders on my third hard drive) are set to read only, when i go to clear the read only attribute it says apply to sub folders and files, yes, applying settings. The when i go back and check to make sure that its not read only it is, the words Read Only are greyed out. I have done google searches like mad for the last 4 days and have come up with nothing, so could some one please help me.

  7. Ok, i tried to slipstream my SATA drivers into a windows install using the guide rasken wrote here. I don't know how to use the CAB Utilitiy he was talking about, I did a google search for it and came up with a old Widows Cab Utility from 1997. After fooling around with it i gave up and just put the drivers into the /i386/ directory, well when i tried to start the install to see if it detected the drivers and used them properly i get a can not find file iaStor.sys & si3114r.sys. Can anyone either tell me how to use the utility or where to place those files so it will work.

    Edit: Forgot my hardware

    Gigabyte 8knxp Rev 1.0, using the Intel SATA controller (i put the Silicon Image one in for good measure), Windows XP Pro Academic, & Western Digital 80GB SATA.

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