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Hi Robbo, I used what you said but changed it for my need as if I did exactly what you posted it would zorph's script to not work because: If I use the script to assign letter z to optical and then have diskpart remove all the drive letters, then optical loses Z: If I run the script after all drive letters have been removed, then the script won't work as it depends on the optical already having a drive letter. So what I did was to the select volume which had been assigned drive letter C, remove it with no errors and then select my HDD, create partition, make active, assign drive letter c (which is now not being used) and format the partition. Zorph's script is the first thing run, so this will work and if the optical happens to have letter C initially, the script runs by selecting C and then changing it Z which then leaves C free to be assigned to the HDD. So I have a CMD which runs diskpart in script mode using the following TXT file: Select volume C remove noerr select disk 0 clean create partition primary active assign letter=c select partition 1 format fs=ntfs label="[whatever you want]" quick
zorph, I apologise for my mistake. I am not good at scripting and I tried to make sense of your script without actually trying it. I have tried now and it DOES work. There was a mistake in the setOpticalvolume.txt, that being the line "ASSIGN Z" which had to be changed to "ASSIGN LETTER=Z" However, I now have a problem if I have a card reader installed with the selection of the HDD. The issue is I am using imagex and tell it to dump a WIM file to C:\ but when a card reader is installed, one of it's drives has the letter C:\ imagex runs from a CMD file. Only one HDD. Any ideas would be great!
Thanks zorph, but that appears to be the same as what I have done now except that instead of the WMI Script I have used a CMD file. If I read your script correctly, it is still relying on the TXT file which would have 'select volume x' & 'assign drive=z' I need something that will select the volume of the optical no matter what volume id it currently is. Ideally I wish you could assign a drive letter by selecting the filesystem or device type.
Hi All, needed some help with a WinPE2 bootable Ramdisk DVD I am making. I am using the disc to contain a ghost or imagex image which is dumped to the HDD. Before the dumping, the HDD is cleaned, partitioned, formatted and made active. I then want to assign drive letter Z: to the optical drive. I just have a CMD file which runs diskpart is script mode which selects volume x and assigns Z to it. This works fine if there is only a HDD and OPTICAL but if there is a card reader on the system there are more volumes and the optical volume id changes all the time. I have worked around this by adding in user invention where the user specifies the volume id of the optical from list volumes which is given a variable. But I would really like to have the whole process automated. Someone has told me this could be done using WMI. So my question after all this is - how can a WMI script be made which selects the correct volume of the optical at any particular time? Cheers
no need to worry - I solved my issue. There is alot of information about installing, running & setting a Multiboot system (with & without WinPE as RAM) but none seem to be "complete" and go through the entire process and what files need to be where for WinPE as a RAM image. I managed to find another post and the user had the same problem as I did. Thankfully, he sorted his out himself and this turned out to be what I had done wrong as well. Basically, I had made my ISO image with Win2003 SP1 source files but I installed recovery console from a WinXPSP2 source. Simply installing RC from the Win2003SP1 source and then copying the new BOOTSECT.DAT from the cmdcons folder fixed the problem and all was fine. I would like to ask though, to close WinPE you type "exit" and this restarts the PC. Is there a way to change it so when "exit" is typed it instead shutdown the PC?
mats, I followed your instructions but have a issue. Using what you said I now have a dual boot menu with Windows XP Pro and WinPE listed. However, when I try to go into the WinPE, I get NTLDR is missing, hit CTL+ALT+DEL I suspect my WINPE RAM image but I have tested it and it is ok. I can burn the iso to a cd and it works and I have tried replacing the "NTLDR" file with the setupldr.bin from my WinPE RAM image (renamed to NTLDR of course). Doing this causes WINPE to boot and it is ok but the dual boot menu does not appear at all. Here is some info that my help: single HDD with 2 partitions 1 x 500MB partition for WINPE 1x remaining space for WINXP WINPE RAM image made using Win2003 server + sp1 as source winnt.sif is exactly the same as yours except for the ISO filename. Please help.
I solved my MCE issues. As it turns out, I think the issues were caused by the OEM source disk I was using. There were some strange things with it. Main issue was that if I clicked "about" in PDVD, it reported the version as 6xxxxx. If I installed the 2003e patch and checked about again, the version went backwards to something like 5xxxxxx. In the end I ended up using a PDVD6 trial with my OEM 2CH CD-KEY to silently installed followed by the 2003e patch install. MCE all works faultlessly now
Even though my process works - I am having trouble with DVD & LiveTV playbackin MCE2005. LiveTV runs but is very jumpy DVD Playback goes to a black screen and then nothing.
Hello All, I have managed to get the Key pre-populated finally! In the end it was quite easy to do.... I re-read over the first post a bit more carefully and this is what I came up with for my OEM version. I am unsure if the step for the powerdvd.sim file is required but this is how I got it to work so that is why it is there: (1) copy the powerdvd folder from the OEM disc to a temp folder on your HDD (2) for the program to install completely silently, simply edit the custom.ini file with "Silent=1" (3) do a manual installation, then browse to C:\Program Files\Cyberlink\PowerDVD (this being the default) (4) you should see there the "powerdvd.sim" file. Copy it to your temp folder, overwriting the existing file (5) the "mce_sym.reg" file needs to be edited. This can be done by simply copying the code in the 1st post into the existing "mce_sym.reg" file - remember to overwrite or delete the original code in the file. However, some of the code from the 1st post is not required for the OEM 2CH version of PowerDVD6. The lines of code I removed were: "UI_PMK"="VM7AA-xxxxx-BAJYM-xxxxx-6YWNN-xxxxx" "UI_PMK"="xxxxx-R8TQP-xxxxx-7PMJ3-xxxxx-MAPBQ" "InstalledPacks"="CPRM Pack, DivX Pack, DTS Pack, DTS 96/24 Pack, DVD-Audio Pack, Express Pack, Interactual Pack, Mobility Pack, MPEG4 AVC Pack" This left me with my MCE_SYM.reg file looking like this: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\Common\CLVSD] "UIUseHVA"=dword:00000001 "EnableVMR"=dword:00000001 "EnableVMR9"=dword:00000001 "PV_FOR_MCE"=dword:00000001 "TwinViewDXVA"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\Common\CLVSD\dxvadecodertest] "EnableVMR"=dword:00000000 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Media Center\Service\Video] "PreferredMPEG2VideoDecoder"="{8ACD52ED-9C2D-4008-9129-DCE955D86065}" "PreferredMPEG2AudioDecoder"="{284DC28A-4A7D-442c-BC2E-D7480556E4D8}" [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD] "CDKey"="***ENTER YOUR CDKEY HERE***" "KeyUpdate"=dword:00000003 "MustUpdateKey"=dword:00000003 "HasCDKEY"=dword:00000001 "CPNAV"=dword:00000003 "UIEnableFeatures"=dword:00000001 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CyberLink\PowerDVD] "HasCDKEY"=dword:00000001 "CPNAV"=dword:00000003 Having done all this - simply running kicking off the install by running SETUP.EXE will silently install the program, via the edited CUSTOM.ini, and the CD-KEY is inserted via the POWERDVD.SIM MCE_SYM.REG files. As an extra step, which is already mentioned in the earlier posts, you can delete the OLRSUBMISSION folder from PROGRAM FILES\CYBERLINK\POWERDVD so you won't see the registration page everytime you run PDVD6. Hope this helps anyone that is in the same boat I was in. Cheers to the other guys who originally made the posts on how to do this. All credit to those guys.
I've still had no luck trying to to pre-populate the product key. Any ideas? I'm now trying using regmon to see what changes are done to the registry when I type in a product key. But when I put exported registry entries to the test via a .reg file when I try to run the program it comes up saying that my 30day free trial has expired???
The PowerDVD.sim file is already copied, as part of the install, to the installation location (c:\program files\cyberlink\powerdvd). The first post with the guide for the trial version lists some other entries in the mce_sym.reg file so I'll add those in and give that a go.
cyber - I edited the mce_sym.reg file and then installed PDVD6 but when I run it it still prompts for cdkey. I checked the registry and there are references with my cdkey. Is there anything else I have to do other then the mce_sym.reg file edit?
Will these guides work for a OEM version of PowerDVD 6 as well? I've tried using registry keys to insert the CD-Key but it doesn't work. I install PDVD silently, simply by editing the custom.ini with silent=1. Then all I have to do is run setup.exe and the install runs silently. But I am having difficulty inserting the key.
Nanaki - I sorted the problem. I followed you help file and placed "cdswitch /v /c ALL" in the CMDLINES.txt and this fixed my issues.
OK thanks Nanaki - I'll have a look. I thought it might be a issue with cdswitch, not necessarily winbom.ini.