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About NukeLed

  • Birthday 11/15/1986

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  1. When i have added the massstorage drivers by method 2 then when i want to install windows it comes with all kinds of blue screens about telling me that the harddrive is broken or not working correct. I have testen the harddrive with a special maxtor tool and it tells me the maxtor hdd is working correctly. So is there somebody who can help me with this problem?
  2. i used method 2 off the massstorage method, but when i am installing windows after a while i get an: portcls.sys error. I searched the forum and i found some topics but they don't tell how to fix it. How can i fix this?
  3. thnx this is usefull for me, i am going to try this soon.
  4. this is my problem, when after installing windows i automattically add oeminfo, (this is build in) but i want to put in the installation date in oeminfo.ini (persanol reseaons) This i do by hand. But i want to do this autmatically, so the date of installation is added auto so i don't have to do it myself. Can this be done? is it possible ?
  5. I am going to buy a notebook/laptop. The one i had in mind was a Promedion D410K. Here are the sys specs: AMD Athlon64 3000+ 512 DDR400 40GB 5400 RPM HD DVD+/- writer Via K8T800 met VT8235CE southbridge Chipset ATI Mobility Radeon M11 (9700) 64MB DDR 2D/3D VGA AGP8x Now i am wondering...is this an good laptop? And does anywhone know how long the battery time is?? Thnxz in advance
  6. I use Nero as burning program, and yes there's a option to select dvd or cd, but when i choose dvd it automaticcaly selects cd for burning the iso.
  7. I have made a couple of ua cd's. Most are for Windows XP Home and Pro. Now i have made one for Media Center. The only problem is that the size is to big...(around 800 mb) and i don't want to take things out. So i thought why don't make a bootable dvd. I made the iso with Nlite, but when i want to burn the iso on a dvd it automatically selects cd...... Can somebody help me to make a bootable dvd with media center on it.. Thnx in advance
  8. i'll get thet, but then i have to this for a lot of motherboards :S
  9. I have a problem, i made a unattended cd for XP Pro, this works great on a computer with a IDE harddrive. When i want to install this on a computer with a sata harddrive it gives a error: something like this: Can't copy (name).(extension) It won't install on a sata drive. But i don't want to integrated sate/raid drivers in my cd because i use the cd for different computers with different motherboards. Can anybody help me out here ??
  10. Well i have a 400 watt psu, so that won't be the problem. My bios setting are correct, well atleast the cpu is correct, it is a 2800+ and that is found correct.
  11. Heey all, I hope some of you can help me out with my problem. I will explain the situation. I have bought myself a new mainbord (A7N8X-E Deluxe) for my computer. After installing the mainbord and pluging in all the cables and processor and memory the computer is ready for use. When i turn on the power it looks good until i get to the part where Windows usually will be loaded. ( where you see the windows logo for the first time ) My problem is that windows won't boot, and from there the computer restarts automatic. When i am in the bios for a time the computer shuts down. This is the same if i want to reinstall windows. After loading installation the computer shuts down. Can anybody help me? NukeLed
  12. Heey Edwin, Waarom zou je hem vanaf floppy willen laten draaien? Vanaf cdrom is toch veel makkelijker? Tenzij je natuurlijk allemaal verschillende moet maken. Ik laat bij mij alles vanaf cdrom doen:P Mazzl
  13. Is it possible to copy the ntoskrnl.exe file while installing windows? Any help wil be nice NukeLed
  14. thnx for helping sixpack. It workt I booted WinXP in safe mode, and i placed the ntoskrnl.exe file in the system32 folder. After restarting the computer, i get the error that ntoskrnl.exe is damagged. NukeLed
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