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Posts posted by daddo1980

  1. happy to read your post, simple and short instructions....

    i began doing what u said... i modified I386\txtsetup.sif in the small ISO file....

    but after i modified it.. i cant put it back inside there.....

    i can save the file somewhere.. but cant modify the iso... how can i do?

    i did also

    2) In WinSetupFromUSB\program directory\files\MULTIpartitionUSBstick\ do

    makecab dummydisk.sys dummy.sy_


    3) Copy dummy.sy_ to USB Stick\WinSetup\XP....\I386\

    just need to fix the iso...


    i could modify the iso using ISO MASTER on ubuntu... and it worked!

    (just felt a bit weird the original iso was 1,1MB but the modified one was 700KB.. more or less...)

    i can start the setup of windows correctly and it finally asks to choose the partition where to install xp..... now i need to find another hd to try to install it... and make a complete test.

    i will post here as soon as i did it.... with good (i hope) or bad news!!!

    anyway thanks for helping me!

  2. i have this small 16gb pen drive.... i dont wanna use it just for windows,... i use it as keyring to keep important or useful things always with me, and to be ready to copy things from/to work and friends...

    so i wanna be ready to copy/delete files in to it... and even format it... (the first partition then) without worry about ruin our wonderful windows installer..

    last test i did is:

    i installed grub4dos in the second partition of that usbstick, i copied (always in the second partition) the windows file from the second partition of the usb stick i used before.(4gb one).

    at reboot, grub4dos works, i chose install windows, then "first part setup"... and this time the setup starts... it starts loading various driver, but after a minute, "bluescreen".... (the bad one) and then have to turn off the pc.

    u talked about integrate a driver in the setup.... r u talking about the driver i used to let windows see the second partition? how to do that?


  3. @ilko_t

    thanks for the fast reply...

    actually i already tried that, after i asked here...

    using this driver http://www.getusb.info/wp-content/USB_LocalDisk.zip

    the driver works, i made the 2 partitions FAT32 from windows xp...

    and made the installation on the second partition with your software...

    but i have 2 problems...

    1) it install the "boot files" on the first partition and the "installation files" (only the WINSETUP folder) on the second one.... (if a part of them is on the first partition.. is not what i hope... =( )

    2) anyway, trying it, on the boot appears the grub4dos... i chose windows installation... first part of installation.... but it says "error 15: File not found" and then is over....

    after i read your message, i tried again... (to be sure) but with exactly the same result

    what can i do next?

  4. hi!

    first of all thanks for the great job, i tried it already on a normal usb stick (4GB) and it worked perfectly!!!

    but i have the following problems:

    if manually install grub4dos (the one inside the last release of your software) on another stick, then copy the files from the first usbstick (the one i made before with your software) to the second one...

    sometimes works,

    sometimes not...

    giving me errors such "cant find FILENAME.XXX and the installation cant go on" in the first minute of windows XP setup... while loading drivers and stuff....

    u may ask why im doing this... seems useless, right?

    well, i have a third usbstick... a 16GB pendrive.

    i made 2 partitions FAT32, from ubuntu, and i would like to put the installation files of xp in the second partition (that will be hidden in windows)

    so that i can use, fill, delete and even format the first partition... (about 14gb)...

    but copying the files as i did before... it doesnt work at all...

    as soon as i choose "first part of win xp setup", in a second, it show up this error:

    unable to load the file \winsetup\xppsp3\i386\biosinfo.inf

    error code 18

    and then cant go on....

    well, i understood its trying to find the setup files in the first partition (0) and instead they are in the second partition (1)

    i checked the files *.cfg of grub... but i didnt find something easily changeable to solve this problem...

    so my request is....

    what can i modify to make the installation work on the second partition of my pen drive?

    all the files are already inside, including grub4dos....


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