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Posts posted by osiff

  1. Yea it runs pretty awesome it boots in like 10 seconds :thumbup and how would I go about making an image? I already set the MaxPhysPage to that value with success and it shows correctly to along with the processor speed! I will set the other value also and by the way thanks :lol:

  2. Yes there are some exclamation marks around some "IDE devices". I will post a screenshot later. But does Kernel X add this dll? What would happen if I tried to install a driver using the compatibility mode thing for windows 2k? Like running the installer with it? Might I have a chance hunting for the drivers using the device manager? :ph34r:

  3. IT BOOTS!! :lol: After all the frustration with windows 98 and the fact that I'm not sure I want to invest money (patch) into this, I gave windows me a try and I set the values in system.ini and it boots!! So... Before I screw something up, what should I do? Do you think I can install kernel x? I think when I tried it before the driver installs all gave errors and then the system blue screened the next time booted. I might have been using vista drivers though. Does kernel x even help with driver installations?

  4. I never got to a workable desktop. It crashed before the last reboot before you get the desktop. Is there an updated windows 98 cd or something that I could use? Might I have more luck with windows ME? I remember trying it once and that actually made it to the desktop without much tweaking besides the maxphyspage but none of the drivers worked... but then again I might have used vista drivers... I got windows 2000 to run once though with all drivers installed successfully. Didn't ME and 2000 get released at about the same time?

  5. OK setup finished with me renaming the file and setting those values. Another problem has arose now though. An error came up that said something like An error occurred while setting up the control panel. C:/windows/system/timestamp or something like that.idk is missing. The message came up pretty quickly and I barley had time to read it before it disappeared. the system froze after that and now when I try to boot the system hangs again. WHAT?!? :wacko: Does this have to do with the file i renamed?

  6. OK... I believe this is the order that I used to get the system to boot before:

    1. Reinstall

    2. At first restart, set MaxPhysCache to 30000

    3. After setup completes, when the system tries to boot for the first time, install the ram patch

    Does this seem right? And this time I wont try the usp again... :whistle:

  7. You did not install the uSP yet, right? If so, do the following

    Boot UBUNTU and go to c:\Windows\System, rename VMM32.VXD --> VMM32.NXT and VMM32.BAK --> VMM32.VXD, then go to c:\Windows\System\VMM32 and delete VMM.VXD, VMM.BAK, VCACHE.VXD and VCACHE.BAK.

    Now boot to DOS and reapply RLoew's patch, and don't forget to use the /M command line switch.

    Reboot, and windows should start correctly. Whatever happens, report before proceeding.

    Today was a busy day and I didnt get a chance to do this yet but I will tomarrow. Thanx though :lol:

  8. The system still will not boot! I reinstalled and installed the patch, same as before, but this time it will only boot in safe mode! The only thing I did differently was that I installed the patch during the install, during the time when the system reboots. :blink:

  9. Of course. The uSP reverts the patch. You'd have to patch again, after installing the the uSP... If that's what you intend to do, let me explain how to perform the repatch, before you attempt it. So let's discuss a little, before you go ahead and install again for the third time.

    You shouldn't do all things in a haste. Solve the boot problem first., then the SATA problem, then start thinking about updating. Your hardware is sufficiently new to make all things require careful planning and the creating of good fallback strategies, before each step.

    Now, if you're going to reinstall from scratch, do it and then test RLoew's patch properly. If it works well, you should be able to boot normally, not just in safe mode. Then you should make a system image backup, and follow it by installing the Intel Application Accelerator. Keeping logs (outside the problem machine, at this point) of everything that was done and whel also helps a lot. There's a definete probability that you'll need RLoew's SATA patch, besides the RAM Limitation Patch, IMO.

    OK I will reinstall it again later today and follow your instructions. :)

  10. I believe that patch worked because in safe mode, the system booted. But I tried to install the unofficial service pack in safe mode and there was an error and i clicked continue anyway and after that there was a blue screen in safe mode and in regular mode so I'm just going to reinstall it.... OK reinstalled and this time I got it to boot in regular mode. And I tried to install the Unofficial SP again, and now the system hangs at the Windows 98 splash. With the slider thing at the bottom not moving.

  11. My hard drive is SATA but in the BIOS, under SATA operation, I have set ATA instead of AHCI. Could this still be a problem? And I should install the patch by putting it on with ubuntu and then launching it from dos? with /m?

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