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Posts posted by Chapa9ai

  1. Er- yep.

    A belated response, but I've been working on a certain issue for a while.

    As far as I can tell XP Pro SP3 with the fdv files is generally stable.

    The one thing I haven't been able to do is to get the fdv files, along with an HFSlip version

    of XP Pro SP3, to "play nice" with a Hauppauge Nova-S PCI TV tuner card.

    Basically the card drivers won't install properly if I include these files..

    A Hauppauge utility called "prodinfo" (on the installation CD) gives a

    "No Device Data Available" message. This is after the drivers have supposedly been installed "successfully."

    I have noticed certain key files don't even get placed in the system32 directory (where they do in the XP version I'm currently using to run the TV card).

    Have also done some testing with a program called a program called "EPG Collector" http://sourceforge.net/projects/epgcollector/

    This error message shows up in a log file after attempting to run it:

    "Exception: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {B64016F3-C9A2-4066-96F0-BD9563314726} failed due to the following error: 80040154."

    I believe the fdv fileset removes COM (Component Object Model) related services, but I couldn't work out which files specifically are involved...

    Out of ideas and feeling pretty much out of my depth here!

  2. The only file missing is mofcomp.exe (or so). [...] I think it's the audio codecs and/or drivers that take a long time to install. (after a while there's a message that they did'nt pass M$ labs -> 'continue anyway') But then I got a nice empty desktop. [...]

    An “amateur workaround” for the mofcomp.exe issue would be as follows:

    1) Create the following folder: HFSLIP\SOURCE\$OEM$\$$\SYSTEM32\wbem

    2) Get a copy of mofcomp.exe (e.g. use a program like “universal extractor,” extract it from SOURCE\i386\mofcomp.ex_), and put it in the above wbem folder.

    The issue involving audio codecs and/or drivers seems to relate to Windows File Protection and “System File Checker” (sfc_os.dll in Win XP).





    A workable solution here (see post 12 therein by jdoe) :


    For some reason FDV’s sfcfiles.dll (http://www.vorck.com/windows/xpsp4.html under "Shutting off WFP with a hacked DLL") doesn’t seem to work with XP Pro SP3.


  3. Hi guys.

    I thought I might wade in with a response to some issues raised by ebernard (post 67) a while ago- if anyone is still interested!

    Hi guys,

    Having used fdvfiles for W2k, I wanted to do the trick with XP too.

    Trying it, my already great respect for FDV, Tommy, and you guys, increased by the hour.

    I just can't get it right, so it seems.

    I just hope one of you will take the trouble to read this and give me a hint.. :blink:

    Excuse me if these are stupid questions (I'm not a system programmer myself). :(

    Question 1

    Is the latest fdvfiles-xp (from July 17, 2010) usable with XP-Home or is it for XP-Pro only?

    When I put the contents of the XP-Home OEM CD in SOURCE folder and create a CD, the installer produces 50 messages about

    "unable to copy file"

    These files are not on the original XP-Home CD.

    All but the last one is mentioned in textsetup.sif

    These are the filenames:




    Question 2

    Is the following expected behavior?

    • When I skip these files at copy, the install continues.
    • But after the restart, and login as 'Owner' - no password, when installing devices, the program mentions dozens of HFSLIPnnn.INF files missing.
    • After another restart, and login as 'Owner' - no password, the desktop remains black with only the version information in the bottom right corner.

    Question 3

    Is the following expected behavior?

    When I try to login as Administrator, I get the message I can't be registered, due to some account limitation.

    That happens when I use fdvfiles-xp on a XP-Pro source as well!

    I have not read anything explicit from fdv about XP Pro v. XP Home, either online or in the readme.txt that comes with the fdv fileset.

    It seems unlikely that the files will work with XP Home. The fdvfiles version of txtsetup.sif (not “textsetup.sif” btw :) ) corresponds to files found in the XP Pro CD I386 directory.

    (My testing involves running .iso files on Virtualbox, either created by HFSLIP or directly from a tweaked SOURCESS folder.)

    Using an XP Home SOURCE, and deleting fdv’s version of this file from the HFSLIP\FDVFILES folder (effectively using the one in the original XP Home SOURCE\i386 directory instead) gets rid of the admtoolw.chm etc errors, and also the HFSLIPnnn.INF file errors you mention in Question 2. However the issue of a desktop with no taskbar, start menu, and desktop icons etc., remains. I don't think the "black desktop" as such is an issue.

    With an XP Pro SOURCE folder, and obviously fdv’s version of txtsetup.sif undeleted, said errors do not occur, and there is a viable taskbar etc. after logon, though some “issues” remain. Brabant, in post #65, mentions mofcomp.exe and audio codecs etc.- my post below has a couple of workarounds for this.

    The Administrator logon issue referred to in Question 3 probably doesn’t have anything to do with the fdv files as such. A couple of good references on this subject are:


    (note what it says about winnt.sif)



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