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Posts posted by tobias27

  1. Hello all, this is my first time experimenting with unattended installation, and I've come across a problem that is probably pretty easy to fix but is boggling my mind. I'm trying to create a Windows XP Professional unattended installation disc so that I can dual boot on Windows 7 (need the drivers for my hard drive and probably some other stuff too). When I get to the Time Zone section in Setup Manager, a warning box pops up that says "Setup Manager cannot load the time zone data from the registry. The time zone settings page will be skipped." Then it directs me to the Time Zone section anyway, except there are no options to select in the drop-down box. I can't get anywhere by pressing 'Next' or 'Back', and I can't go to any other options on the sidebar on the left. Please try to help a newbie out, as I'm lost in the woods when it comes to things relating to the registry and all that. I'm running Windows 7 Home Edition 64-Bit and trying to create a Windows XP Professional 32-Bit SP3 installation CD, if you need to know.

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