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Everything posted by mizzourob

  1. mizzourob


    I'm guessing that since W3bbo has not posted on MSFN since May 26, 2011 (an XPize post) that he perhaps has abandoned this project. I'm hoping that I'm wrong because I've been following this project since Windows 7 was released.
  2. mizzourob


    I'm feeling very disappointed in myself for a: not keeping you guys informed, and b: not devoting enough time to the project. Here's my current situation. It's just words and promises, but I hope you can trust and believe in me that you will see something eventually: * From now until next week I have to devote my life to writing my undergraduate project dissertation. * Immediately after that I need to study and revise for my final undergraduate examinations, the actual exams run from mid-May to mid-June. * After late-June I will be a free man. Beautiful sweet freedom I haven't felt since I finished High School. I have a great many proejcts to work on Any new updates now that your exams are over? Hopefully congratulations on passing the exams are also in order! I'm super excited about Sevenize and just curious if the major problems have been fixed yet? Hmmmm I'm beginning to wonder if this is on the Duke Nukem Forever development schedule? I know I cannot criticize something that is (possibly) free, but I would be eager to actually pay for Sevenize if it works for x64 and cleans up the various nuances; I'm sure there are others out there who would also do the same.
  3. mizzourob


    I'm feeling very disappointed in myself for a: not keeping you guys informed, and b: not devoting enough time to the project. Here's my current situation. It's just words and promises, but I hope you can trust and believe in me that you will see something eventually: * From now until next week I have to devote my life to writing my undergraduate project dissertation. * Immediately after that I need to study and revise for my final undergraduate examinations, the actual exams run from mid-May to mid-June. * After late-June I will be a free man. Beautiful sweet freedom I haven't felt since I finished High School. I have a great many proejcts to work on Any new updates now that your exams are over? Hopefully congratulations on passing the exams are also in order! I'm super excited about Sevenize and just curious if the major problems have been fixed yet?
  4. mizzourob


    Bump... W3bbo any updates or an ETA on Sevenize?
  5. Any update W3bbo on getting a release out? I keep checking everyday hoping to see something new!
  6. mizzourob


    Any update on when a beta of Sevenize might be released? The collaboration with the Windows 7 Taskforce could finally resolve many issues. I'm hoping that between this, DisplayFusion, and the FastPictureViewer codec pack many of my windows woes will be fixed (now if anyone can give me a copy of the "Softsled" project for Windows Media Center then they'd all be fixed!)
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