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Posts posted by ithackit

  1. I swear there was a thread related to the topic title previously because i had this error message before, then i fixed it. Well i had to redo my cd's to update with more current updates and drivers etc... and now i am getting this message again. At about the T-13 mark right before my GuiRunEx.cmd file runs, setup pops up a message System Restore being on/off and i have to click ok or cancel. I am doing some unsuccessful searching through msfn to find the resolve, so if anyone remembers what i am talking about or knows the fix. Please enlighten me. I haven't been around in almost about 8 months now, so i apologize if my searching skills are a little inept. Thanks

  2. at the Run command line or even the command prompt you can type in

    control - launches control panel.

    Better yet if you type in

    control filename.cpl - will launch a specific control panel applet.



    control inetcpl.cpl - launches internet properties

    control appwiz.cpl - launches add remove programs etc..

    do a search for *.cpl, most of them should reside in %windir%\system32


  3. I've been checking out the site for about 2 weeks now and this is my first post so go easy on me k?

    Anyways. I've been doing some searching and i found 2 posts directly related to System Properties -> Advanced -> Performance, Settings -> Visual Effects, mainly trying to acheive having these settings turned off/on/customized during an Unattended CD install. I also browsed both registry tweaks threads and downloaded Johnny's reg file and scoured that trying to find what i was looking for. I have seen a few posts were people have stated that they have theirs customized and working. I cannot seem to acheive this feat.

    After trying endlessly to get this to work, i decided just to set the Visual Effects regkey (that gets entered during cmdlines.txt of course!) to Adjust for Best Performance. Upon first logon "visually" none of the settings are turned off. When i go to the Visual Effects settings i do see that my regkey worked because it is set to "Adjust for best performance" BUT the settings aren't actually applied. Although at this point if i do click on "OK" the screen refreshes and the setting get applied and they do STICK for logging into that account there after. If i click cancel and reboot then go back to the Visual Effects screen the "Adjust for Best Performance" is still selected with all options still turned off, but visually the settings are not set.

    How can i get the settings to apply after the registry key has been entered from cmdlines.txt and before the initial account logon? Something i just thought of right now is that i am using nLite to create my iso and there are 2 settings i always set on the last screen before i create the iso and those settings are Classic Control Panel & Classic Logon type. (I had nLite remove Luna theme as a part of my iso so maybe i dont need to check these?) So maybe its possible nLite is resetting Windows Classic on logon which would reset the Visual Effects settings to on just like it does when on a plain install of XP from an original CD and you customize the windows classic then if you go back and load the windows classic again it turns those settings back on.

    I apologize if my post is a little messy. Hopefully someone can help me out with getting the Visual Effects settings actually Applied because i can get them disabled they just don't apply themselves as disabled.


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