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Posts posted by Tweaker

  1. I also just found out that that tweak isn't working anymore. Using the info Neo provided I created a working tweak:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager]
    @="Device Manager"
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager\command]
    @="C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe devmgmt.msc"

    Or for the Dutch like me:

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager]
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager\command]
    @="C:\\Windows\\System32\\mmc.exe devmgmt.msc"

  2. Well, that's totally normal.

    At first boot, that little bit of extra time taken to login does happen for everybody. Only difference is that if you had some regtweaks added during cmdlines, the login will take a couple of seconds longer (only the *FIRST* time) because it is creating the registry and executing as per what it says, etc.

    What I've see is that with no regtweaks used, it takes approx 10 seconds at first login.

    With regtweaks used, it takes 12 seconds approx.

    Considering that regtweaks save a lot of mouse-cursor time :lol:, its not a problem at all.

    :lol: Yeah well the only regtweaks I run via cmdlines (besides the XPlode installation) is your excellent way for enabling the 'quick launch' bar and adding the users to the admins.

    For me with all the regtweaks applied it takes about five seconds longer than w/o tweaks. And this is also on every regular boot, not only after the Windows installation.

    BTW and IIRC in SP2 the welcome screen has been replaced by this loading screen which by itself takes longer to load then before so I think Windows itself boots a bit slower.

  3. Hi there, been away for a while. Just finished reading the pages since my last visit, 'bout 30 pages :wacko: , anyway I see there are some new things here which I'm gonna try out. For the record, two months ago thanks to y'all I've created a perfectly working unattended installation DVD with a lot of good registry tweaks :thumbup . These tweaks have been installed on three PC's already :D .

    Anyway there's one thing that bothers me and perhaps this is totally normal, but after Windows has finshed booting where it normally says 'Welcome' I always see this: "Your personal settings are being loaded."

    This usually takes something like five seconds which is a bit annoying. I guess this is because of all the registry tweaks I have added, but does anyone know if it is something in perticular that causes this slowdown?

  4. I've created a perfectly working clean up file with an XPlode GUI.

    Can I call this cleanup file like a regular XPlode installer like this, but then under GUIRunOnce (in winnt.sif):


    or does it HAVE to be a .cmd file?

    If so how can I call the XPlode file (XPlode.xml) via .cmd file?

    Like this?:

    cmdow @ /HID

    START %systemroot%\system32\Temp\XPlode\XPlode.exe


  5. oh sry for my previous post then, I thought that was the one which set the statusbar

    Edit: it seems that "StatusBarOther"=1 does enable the statusbar for all windows, at least in SP2.

    About the list and detail view tweaks, if I use both than all my folders are set to list view with detail aswell. And I still have statusbars in all windows though.

    Something else I want to add is about the 'quick launch bar'. The method of adding it to your complete reg file doesn't work for me as it hasn't worked for others aswell. Now prathapml has posted a way to do this which seems to work fine. You have to create a separate reg file and call it via cmdlines.txt. His post can be found here. This method works for me aswell.

  6. I used the big registry file (with some changes of my own, of course, to fit my needs) but I'm looking to get the status bar and left hand bar to show up in the windows (picture attached just in case you have no idea what I'm talking about).  Thanx to anyone who can help.

    This works for me to enable the statusbar for all windows:

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

    To show the left hand bar as you call it:


    I'll attach my complete RegTweaks file which I use in my unattended install.

    Maybe it can be of some use :)


  7. Well I tried the

    ".\$1\Install\XPlode\XPlode.exe /xml:#Systemdrive#\Install\XPlode\XPlode.xml /log:#Systemdrive#\XPlode.log"

    and at the same time I had added a lot more stuff to my setup such as customized bootscreen, setting another theme, and added more apps, and when I went through the test with VMware the installation stopped right after the network install was done, then it rebooted and restarted the setup :wacko:

    After that I eliminated almost everything in my setup, from deleting files one by one such as .cmd files, .svcpack file, reg files, editting the winnt.sif, changing back to my previous winntbbl, editing almost everything out of the xplode file, deleting the system32 files untill my setup was almost empty.

    One thing I hadn't tried was removing the above code, and whaddaya know, that fixed it :wacko: Went back to calling XPlode via winnt.sif, and everything is working again. That thingy took four hours to fix, I think I tried seven installs until I figured that out, never expected that to be the problem.

    Oh and the shortcut.exe thingy doesn't work either, no shortcuts are being created.

  8. I cannot figure out for the love of god why my unattended install insists on rebooting when it is done with the Network Installation.

    See my attached picture, right after that, it reboots?

    Don't know where to start looking since it doesn't even come to the point that it is gonna use the cmdlines.txt (for the useraccounts.reg and XPlode start), thus the final app install through Xplode.xml and the svcpack.inf (for the Royale.exe) files.

    I already tried deleting the '[GUIRunOnce] %systemdrive%\Install\bootlogo.cmd' line in winnt.sif to test, but that aint it either. Will in a sec exchange my newly created winntbbu.dl_ (as seen in the screenshot) for a previously working version to test. For the rest I haven't changed anything except more apps in the XPlode file. More suggestions would be appreciated.


  9. This weekend I've done my complete unattended install on my separate HD and everything is working fine, Windows automatically installed my nForce2 drivers, and the latest ATI Omega 4.10 beta was also installed through my apps list.

    But now I just noticed in my Add/Remove apps list a 'nVidia driver' item. Anyone know where this comes from? Or could this be the nVidia nForce2 Sound Utility?

  10. Merçi big-gie, I'll use your method. :thumbup

    One question about the shortcuts: in your example an eMule shortcut is created in the folder 'Internet' in your Start Menu. Will the folder 'Internet' automatically be created when you point the shortcut to 'Internet\eMule.lnk'?

    Oh and so for running XPlode via COMMAND I have to use '.\XPlodeXPlode.exe' in the beginning of the command, so you have to write it as one long word?

    Au revoir :)

  11. EDIT:

    About your AdAware problem.. Just install it once and then copy the whole Lavasoft directory from your C:\Program files  >> to your $OEM$\$Progs\

    (don't forget to remove the AdAware code from your *.xml sheet!)

    Add the following line to create a shortcut in your starmenu:

     <item display='Creating start menu shortcuts'>
     <shortcut display='Ad-Aware' program='%ProgramFiles%\Lavasoft\Ad-Aware SE Personal\Ad-Aware.exe' description='Spyware remover' link='%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Ad-Aware SE Personal.lnk'/>

    That's all you need to do, no install necessary, works like a charm!  :thumbup

    Hi Bam,

    I've tested the method for Ad-aware (and other apps aswell), but the creation of the short cuts doesn't work. I see the 'adding shortcuts' going by, but there are no shortcuts to be found after the install :huh:

    BTW I'm still running XPlode via winnt.sif which then runs @ T9.

    I also added more apps via $Progs, and then added the shortcuts the same way (making sure the paths are OK), but nothing?? What am I doing wrong?

  12. Hi,

    I've been through the complete reg file this weekend and I've tested a lot of them, but I noticed some duplicate tweaks in it :o

    Also the 'remove shortcut text' tweak works for me, but it only works for files, not folders.

    And the ' quick launch bar' tweak doesn't work for me :huh:

    Testing all lot of tweaks this weekend I discovered some extra tweaks which I haven't seen here yet. Will post those some other time.

  13. ;-----  Disable Automatic Restart in the event of a BSOD

    I still see this tweak twice in the latest reg tweaks file, one time in 'Startup / Shutdown', one time in 'Windows General Settings'.

  14. First of all thanks for all the good tweaks :thumbup:w00t:

    Here's my comments:

    In Johnny's reg file the "Disable Automatic Restart in the event of a BSOD" is there two times, one time in "Startup / Shutdown" and one time in "Windows General Settings" ;)

    I found some tweaks which I haven't seen yet:

    ;=>(I see this one is different than in the reg, what's the difference?)

    ;Force visual settings
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

    ;No file-folder connections

    ;=>(I see this one is different aswell, seems to work in all windows, and not IE only, ONLY for SP2!)
    ;Show Statusbar in all windows
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main]

    What do these codes all do?

    Here's a list if visual settings, but they differs aswell, this one has DefaultValue some extra times?

    BTW DefaultApplied with 00000001 means on, and 00000000 means off I think?

    ;Visual Settings

















    And here some tweaks to change some effects:

    ;Selection window transparant

    ;Different background for each folder

    ;Icons and names on desktop with shadow

    ;Show buttons on scrolling taskbar

    ;Show contents of windows while dragging
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

    ;Animated minimize en maximize
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

    ;Shadow behind cursor
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

    ;Visualisation Settings from Display Properties
    ;Visualisation - Effects
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

    Don't know what the last one does. From what I found this user does these last tweaks after he did the first ones in his install, since they were not set completely

    Disabling some xtra services:

    ;Disable Distributed Link Tracking Client

    ;Disable Terminal Services

    ;Disable Smart Card

    ;Disable Smart Card Helper

    ;Disable QoS RSVP

    ;Disable Remote Access Auto Connection Manager

    ;Disable NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

    ;Disable WMI-performance adaptor

    Don't what these do aswell, I just found them and didn't see them in the reg file.

    BTW I take no credit for these tweaks, I'm just passing them along :)

  15. Hi BAM,

    Thanks for the reply :)

    Didn't know that the Xplode files have to be at the same place as the cmdlines.txt file.

    Think I'll stick with calling Xplode via winnt.sif since this seems to work fine.

    Also thanks for the info 'bout AdAware, will do the things you mentioned this weekend.

    Oh and yes the XplodeBAM file was indeed yours :)

  16. Here are the screenshots of the XPCD folder and the XPlode folder:



    I'm now running xplode using the winnt.sif file with this command:


    Which seems to work OK, but all of a sudden the install of the kazaa codec pack gives two write errors (protection or something), and while installing AdAware it suddenly decides to update and run by itself, while the three taskkills are in place.

    Those two did run perfectly well when run manually.

    So for now I've removed the kazaa codec install, but have to figure out why AdAware doesn't get killed.

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