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Posts posted by pkx

  1. Ok.. what am I doing wrong? I thought I followed the directions...

    This is what my \$OEM$\$1\Installers\Nero7 directory looks like.


    neroinstall.cmd is this:

    c:\installers\nero7\NeroSuite.msi TRANSFORMS=Nerocore.mst /qb-! /norestart
    regedit /s c:\installers\nero7\nero.reg
    If Exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Core\nero.exe" md "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra"
    If Exist "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Core\nero.exe" md "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools"
    XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Nero Burning Rom" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Core\nero.exe"
    XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools\Nero CDSpeed" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Toolkit\CDSpeed.exe"
    XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools\Nero DriveSpeed" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Toolkit\DriveSpeed.exe"
    XXMKLINK "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\Nero 7 Ultra\Tools\Nero InfoTool" "%PROGRAMFILES%\Nero\Nero 7\Nero Toolkit\InfoTool.exe"
    regsvr32 /u "%commonprogramfiles%\Ahead\Lib\MediaLibraryNSE.dll"

    The MSI flashes up and goes away. If I manually just run NeroSuite.msi, it tells me that it must be run from Setup.

    Any ideas?


  2. I'm pulling my hair out here :). For the life of me, I can't get "classic folder view" enabled by default (which removes the left "pane" in any explorer window).

    Some searching pulled up this key:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    ; Use Windows classic folders
    "ShellState"=hex(3)& #58;24,00,00,00,33,88,01,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\

    (I have the (3)& #58 corrected and removed the improper line wrapping of course)

    I've got this in my HKCU.reg being called from cmdlines.txt. All of my other registery edits in HKCU get applied perfectly, but the 88 hex value in the key above magically turns to a8 by the time windows boots. Also, the Webview key gets set back to 1. When I re-set the WebView key to 0, it does what I want. I could import this upon first boot, but I really need it to be the default new account setting.

    Help! How did you get classic folders enabled by default??

    I will paypal $10 to the individual that figures this out for me. That's how much it's bugging me :).


  3. Did this work or not work for anyone else?

    I'm inserting this key via cmdlines.txt as I should, yet by the time the install is finished, the Shellstate key has changed! I don't know what's changing it, I have no other keys writing to shellstate. The "88" in the key seems to have changed to "a8"...

    Any ideas?


  4. Figured it out!!

    When I did my previous one by hand, I had the HKLM keys inserted in RunOnceEx.

    NLite inserts HLKM entries prior to RunOnceEx.

    If Classic logon is turned ON prior to RunOnceEx (HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon","LogonType",0x00010001,0), you get the classic logon screen that wants to login as administrator upon first boot.

  5. Try setting AutoLogon to "No", and using one of these methods to designate the user you wish to log on.


    FullUnattend mode will halt at the MiniSetup screen, and prompt you for a username. If you wish to bypass this, try DefaultHide instead.

    Thanks Lazy8. I tried DefaultHide and it still did not have my desired result. I can't use autologon in the registry because I don't know the username that the person will type in at the OOBE screen... and I don't want to specify the username in the OOBEINFO.INI because I want the user to be able to choose it.

    Here is the beginning of my WINNT.SIF:

    Autopartition = 0
    MsDosInitiated = 0
    UnattendedInstall = Yes

    UnattendMode = DefaultHide
    UnattendSwitch = No
    OemPreinstall = Yes
    OemSkipEula = Yes
    FileSystem = *
    WaitForReboot = No
    NoWaitAfterTextMode = 1
    NoWaitAfterGUIMode = 1
    DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore
    NonDriverSigningPolicy = Ignore


    EncryptedAdminPassword = No
    AdminPassword = L0caLAdm1n
    TimeZone = 04
    OEMSkipRegional = 1
    OemSkipWelcome = 1

    Any other ideas?

  6. Sorry for the bump, but does anyone have any ideas? I've been fighting with this for days :).

    If I set AutoLogon=Yes, then the OOBE user screen doesn't even come up and the machine automatically logs in as the administrator acct... even if it does not have a blank password.

    How do I get it to automatically log on as the first user I specify during OOBE?


  7. I'm in the process of building my second unattended windows install. On the first one I did a year ago, the system automatically logged in for the first time as the top user after the OOBE asks for a list of users.

    This is the desired result.

    On my latest build, after the OOBE asks for a list of users, I just get the classic login screen.

    How do I make it automatically login as the first user specified once?


  8. Well, I've finally solved my problem.

    I'm still not sure what caused it.

    All I know is:

    If the keys were entered in via RunOnceEx after all of my apps installed, it was somehow overwritten by the time explorer started. Even without a reboot (I disabled the shutdown in my cleanup.cmd being called in runonceex temporarily), the keys had changed.

    I know that the windows startup group is the last thing to load... so I had my cleanup.cmd copy a batch file into %userprofile%\programs\start menu\startup.

    The batch file inserted the registry keys then it deleted itself.

    voila. That fixed the problem. I re-enabled the shutdown command... re-built the ISO, and tried it in VMware and it worked beautifully.


  9. I apologize for asking a similar question in a different thread, but I'm really hoping that someone else will come up with any other ideas.

    Here's the situation: I'm trying to automatically turn on 'Classic Folder View' during an unattended XP install. The version of XP I have already has SP1a slipstreamed into it (I don't have the original installation media :angry: ). Therefore, SP2 will not slipstream into this "already slipstreamed" install. If I try, I get a manifest parse error upon startup.

    The Classic Folder View appears to be associated with the following registry keys:






    What I am doing is this:

    1) cmdlines.txt is importing all of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER keys, including the keys above.

    2) cmdlines.txt is also entering RunOnceEx keys into the registry

    Upon unattended install, the "welcome to windows" screen pops up, asks you to register, etc. After you have typed in your name, the RunOnceEx keys are executed. Office 2003 is installed, along with the powertoys, Service Pack 2, and some additional registry keys (that aren't part of HKCU). Just for kicks, I have the above "classic folder view" registry keys inserted again. The system is then rebooted.

    After reboot, you login...

    and the ShellState and WebView keys have changed! (Specifically, the '88' is changed to 'a8' in ShellState, and WebView is changed from '0' to '1'). Of course these changes turn classic folder view back off.

    I don't know what is causing these keys to be changed. SP2 install maybe?

    My next step is to remove all software install components from RunOnceEx, then re-add them one-by-one, going through the entire install process each time. Of course, this will take me many many hours in VMware. Does anyone have any idea of what could be resetting these keys?

    If someone comes up with it, I'll paypal you $20. Seriously. It's been bugging me that much. :)

  10. Long story short, SP2 cannot be slipstreamed into the version of windows I have (It successfully slipstreams in, but I then get a manifest parse error upon setup), so I'm installing it via RunOnceEx.

    After SP2 gets installed (w/ /noreboot option), RunOnceEx imports all of the registry tweaks I want, and then the PC is restarted. These registry tweaks include setting exporer's view settings to details and turning on classic folder view:






    Once the PC reboots and the user logs in, the Shellstate is set back to non-classic folder view! (specifically, the "88" is set to "a8" in shellstate, and the Webview is "1" instead of "0"). It appears as though SP2 (or something else I'm installing)? is setting these two keys - but not until the first reboot?

    These two keys require a reboot to take effect, and I don't want to have the PC reboot *again* just to change this view. Anyone have any ideas?


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