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Posts posted by RogueSpear

  1. Something I found regarding VS2005.. when you slipstream SP1 into your install source there are several items which are not updated such as SQL Server 2005 and the PPC/WM device emulator. I have found that you can download these updated components from Microsoft and replace the old with the new. If I remember correctly, in the case of SQL, you need to rename the file you downloaded to match the older file. In the end this saves a fair amount of time and at least one reboot.

  2. I didn't notice it mentioned in this thread, so I will mention it just in case. If you download the drivers that Bilou_Gateux posted and follow his instructions, you will then need to restart the Boot Information Negotiation Layer (BINL) service on your RIS server. This step is necessary prior to attempting to use the new drivers.

  3. It used to be in the past that no one single RealTek NIC driver would support all versions of the NIC - in other words one driver needed for 3+ year old NICs and another driver needed for current NICs, but for the last several months it seems that they've gotten it together over there. For me anyway, the latest RealTek NIC drivers will properly RIS boot for all generations of NIC.

    Are making any modifications to the .inf file before using it for RIS?

  4. Use a PDA? :)

    Better than a waste of paper IMO.

    Not as easy as it sounds. I've had an ipaq 3975 for several years now and in my experience PDF files on the Windows Mobile platform are pretty close to useless. It is definately the exception to the rule when you find a PDF file properly formatted for "reflow" or whatevr Adobe calls it. Word documents are not much better. The only thing I've ever found useful are .CHM files. You can find a couple of freeware chm file readers and they work great. The trick is finding the books you want in that format. It is possible as I carry around 600MB worth of essential reference material on an SD card, but sadly there is way more material formatted as PDF.

    I've really enjoyed books in the .LIT format for Microsoft Reader but I've yet to encounter one single technical reference in that file format. And I'm not about to go through the trouble converting titles to it either.

  5. I didn't see if anyone provided an answer to the question about auditing, so if I missed it, sorry about that. Auditing is generally used in a domain environment. You can have event log entries generated for a defined security related event such as changing permissions, deleting files, etc. It's pretty useful for finding out who is deleting a specific file that should not get deleted, people attempting to elevate their permissions or rights. I've used it in the past to discover that a program was changing my custom NTFS permissions on a directory which was transferring ownership and consequently breaking the application for other users.

  6. FWIW .NET Framework 3.0 is a little bit misleading of a title IMHO. When you get down to it, it's really just some additional libraries that require .NET 2.0 Framework. Unfortunately one part of .NET 3.0, the Windows Communication Foundation, has some sort of issue with .NET 1.1 SP1 in terms of the installation routine. You must have a reboot after installing .NET 1.1 SP1 prior to installing the .NET 3.0 components because of a file lock issue.

    I spent far too many hours trying to work around the issue and finally settled on two step process if you want to have everything .NET installed. It's not optimal, but it works.

  7. If you have any background in basic at all, or even VBscript, then picking up on VB2005 is pretty easy. The learning curve at first can be a little daunting, but once you "get it" everything falls into place. I started using Visual Basic with the idea of porting over a VBscript I had made, AutoRIS, into a full application, AutoImage. It took me literally only a few weeks to do it.

    I've found that almost anything at all that depends on .NET is going to be an absolute pig when it comes to RAM. My program continuously reports at 30MB in Task Manager. There's just no reason for that. But it's easy and I can make changes without too much problem. One of the advantages to programming with "managed code", as VB.NET and C# are, is that you don't have to concern yourself with garbage collection, screwing around with memory, etc. Plus you get a ton of functionality in .NET that you would otherwise have to construct from scratch (unless you were to purchase custom libraries).

    Java shares these same benefits, but again you need the runtime environment and Java apps tend to be slow and cumbersome. If you want fast, small, tight code, etc. you're going to want to look into C/C++. If you want to make a command line utility, say to use during windows setup before .NET is installed, then VB is pretty much out of the question.

  8. @Floppy

    OEMSCAN uses the CreateProcess API to execute whatever is in the string.

    PromptKey.vbs isn't an executable file, it’s a script. You need to run the interpreter wscript which will parse/run the script.

    CMD="wscript PromptKey.vbs"

    No Go :wacko:

    I'm not sure when you're running PromptKey.vbs, but if it's during Windows setup you'll need to use cscript as wscript is not available yet.

  9. The nlite switch options have been very usefull to me processing the builds.

    Unfortunatly the function seems to be broken after nLite 1.2RC, later versions just end up at the screen showing the source older and OS info and stops there.

    Unfortunately I can confirm this issue.

  10. No cmdow has nothing to do with that window. That is part of the OS. Cmdow simply hides the command windows, just as RunHiddenConsole does.

    EDIT: Another alternative would be to use NirCmd.exe. A Google of that filename will take you right to the publishers web site.

  11. I've only taken a cursory look at Blink, but as a former user of both Iris and Retina I was a bit hesitant. I've never been too crazy about eEye's products, but not for any lack of features or stability. Probably just personal preference. I could never really "get comfortable" with their stuff. They ain't too cheap either.

    That's a funny thing I've noticed in the networking software field. Title's are either open source and free or they're unthinkably expensive like Fluke and Sniffer. The only non-free stuff that's reasonable that I use are DameWare NT Utilities and SolarWinds EE.

  12. get a similar error message with a fresh 1.2 final install too (so no old presets at all in my installation directory..).

    Same with me. I always delete all of my presets when installing a new version on nLite. Going one step further, when nLite was going through it's processes, during the "Processing Setup Files" stage I got a crash with no specific error message. Since I had Visual Studio 2005 installed it just wanted me to debug, but there was no specific error message which I thought was odd.

  13. It's entirely possible that 2003 would be different than XP. While this isn't OS related exactly, I notice that Microsoft makes you validate in order to download Windows Desktop Search 3 for XP but not for 2003. I'm not doubting your success, but believe me when I tell you that I tried every conceivable thing with IEAK as far as options. It would appear that when IEAK performs it's sync to download the install files, it is downloading files which are identical in every way - including MD5 sums - to the install source you would normally get for XP.

  14. I hate to say this, but I've been making installers with IEAK and the resulting installation source will still require a WGA check of some kind. I've tried this many times now in many different ways. At work I have a few dozen laptop computers that get mounted into vehicles. I generally don't have these laptops connected to any network when I set them up. Just pop in a DVD and let them go.

    This is fairly easy to emulate in VMware by just disabling the VMware NIC. If you look in %SystemRoot% for the IE7 log file after the install fails, it clearly states that installation was cancelled because a WGA check could not be completed. So I imagine at this point I have to make a choice - either plug in the laptops while they install or come up with some kind of "unofficial" method of installation.

    There is one scenario that I'm curious about as I have not tried it yet and that would be OEM SLP systems. With that method of install and WGA integrated into your source, network connection or no network connection, your system will report as genuine according to MGADiag.exe. With a VLK install this is not the case.

  15. This is from a Panasonic ToughBook laptop. It reads as Matsus***a which I believe is the parent company. And it looks as though the filthy mouth filter thinks that I'm trying to swear in the manufacturer's name.


    MD5: 2D5EBFF9810EEF9F3C57F030A5A7BDE5

    Manufacturer: Matsus***a Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd.
    Model: CF-29NWQGZBM
    4D617473 75736869 74612045 6C656374 72696320 496E6475 73747269 616C2043 6F2E2C4C 74642E

    oembios.bin - DE14112C
    oembios.cat - 89799F58
    oembios.dat - 002D6594
    oembios.sig - 9F10320F

  16. Are you integrating the Dell drivers into your RIS install? That BSOD is usually the result of a driver problem. I use Bashrat the Sneaky's DriverPacks with my RIS installations and the couple of Latitude D620 laptops I've installed recently went without a hitch.

    I know that there are some issues with recent Optiplex machines, but the Latitudes should install fine with the proper drivers.

  17. Microsoft even makes an enterprise addon where Visio will make it for you, similar to how The Dude maps one out. I've been messing around with The Dude (don't like how that sounds) for a little while now and I'm pretty impressed with it. While it doesn't quite have all of the features or all of the polish that Fluke OptiView has, it's also about $25,000 cheaper.

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