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Posts posted by Jer0en

  1. Hi,

    i've been working on my own unattended bootable installation-cd... and i was wondering if there was an easier way to import multiple .reg-files without having to specify each and every filename.

    So i wrote this lil' batch, it tries to solve specified arguments to obtain a valid searchpath to be passed on to the search- & import-routine. You can specify root-directories (i.e. directories with a trailing backslash, like: C:\ or D:\Temp\), regular directories (i.e. directories without a trailing backslash, like: C:\Windows) and you can also specify a specific fully qualified filename/searchpath. - This batch can handle an unlimited amount of commandline parameters [unless there's a limiting factor within Windows i'm not aware of]. - Instead of regedit.exe i'm using a fairly unknown lil' program which doesn't mind any registry-editing restrictions: reg.exe -- and best of all: it's part of the Windows operating system, every Windows 2000 and XP has it. - It supports cmdow.exe, and most of it's commandline arguments. There are two restrictions however: 1) multi-parameter functions like /REN and /MOV and window/process-listings are not supported, and 2) supported functions are restricted to @ i.e. the window in which the batch is running.

    I hope you'll enjoy it as much as i do :) If you find a way to improve on it, please send me a copy... e.g. i failed to filter-out directories and driveletters. (But then again, this shouldn't be much of a problem when good paths are provided.)

    "type" cannot open a directory or a driveletter, however it does support wildcards... the ideal solution to filter-out these non-registry files... but it didn't work for me :(

    type "%TMP_SEARCH_PATH%" > NUL

    "cd" cannot change directory to a filename, too bad i don't have a way to store the current working path -- because i don't want to lose it! (...i might need it later on.)

    cd "%TMP_SEARCH_PATH%" > NUL
    if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto NEXT

    there's an alternative to the "cd"-solution which does allow me to check and keep my own working path, but it's an ugly solution because an error message doesn't get redirected to NUL:

    %ComSpec% /c cd "%TMP_SEARCH_PATH%" > NUL
    if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto NEXT

    and the final alternative to the "cd"-solution didn't appear to work either:

    start /MIN %ComSpec% /c cd "%TMP_SEARCH_PATH%" > NUL
    if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto NEXT

    P.S. i included a lil' program i wrote in 2002 which has about the same functionality as the ImportReg batch... the differences are: it's an executable (written in Delphi, source-code included) and it processes fonts and Active-X.

    Well, try and enjoy my contributions! I'm off reïnstalling Windows now :)


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