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Posts posted by slydog3030

  1. I fixed it!

    Creative support helped me. It was my bios. The dell website had a bios update just for the Audigy cards. My systme seems to be running fine, but that doesn't mean I wont still upgrade.

    I have 256mb in one slot, so i'll get the other 256.

    And I've been looking at a Thermaltake 420W power supply.

  2. I just got a second hard drive, the SB Audigy Platinum eX, and a GeForce4 ti4200. When running any kind of strenuous audio in programs my computer freezes and only a high pitch tone comes from my card(speakers and head phones). I have updated my drivers through creative, and my graphics card seems alright, but my graphics card doesn't seem to be working as well as expected. I'm XP Pro, pentium4 1.4 ghz, 256 ram, Demension 4300. I can't fix it!

    I think it's my power supply. I have a Dell with a 250W output. What PSU should I look to buy?

    Can someone help me?

  3. :) I just got a second hard drive, the SB Audigy Platinum eX, and a GeForce4 ti4200. When running any kind of strenuous audio in programs my computer freezes and only a high pitch tone comes from my card(speakers and head phones). I have updated my drivers through creative, and my graphics card seems alright, but my graphics card doesn't seem to be working as well as expected. I'm XP Pro, pentium4 1.4 ghz, 256 ram, Demension 4300. I can't fix it!

    Can someone help me?

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