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Posts posted by Unlock

  1. I buy PC with OEM version.

    Now I have need the hot fix 906866, but if I want it, I contact support, but I must pay 99 euro for e-mail or 299 for phone.

    I don't have the right free support bucause I've OEM software, this in Italy I don't know in USA

  2. Contact Microsoft to provide you with the Italian version of the hotfixto get it.

    OHHHH YES I CONTACT for 99 Euro via e-mail or 299 euro via telephone because I haven't nothing contract and I have e OEM windows xp :realmad: ..........they are CRAZY

  3. Unlock, your first post gives WAY too little information for anyone to even bother answering your question.

    Standard details are your OS with service packs and hotfixes added, hardware of the pc that gives the problem, methods used for unattended install, and in this case the exact blue screen message. The details needed vary from issue to issue.

    Better to give too many than too few details.

    From now on, do this for EVERY question.


    1) xp pro sp2

    2) hot not install

    3) pc asus barebone or others

    4) methods used for unattended.....2

    4) driver that generate error protcls.sys

  4. This error, for microsoft, resolve with KB906866, the problem is my xp in italian lenguage and i found KB906866 in english version so I can't install it for lenguage incompatibility

    HOW TO?


  5. driver.cmd


    TITLE Drivers-from-CD Installation

    color 1F

    :: Set Current Drive as CD

    CD /D "%~dp0"

    :: Set Drivers Location Folder

    SET DRV=Drivers

    :: Ticker script

    ECHO.exec hide %CD%\Process.exe -r setup.exe >%SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    ECHO.wait 10000 >>%SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    ECHO.exec hide %CD%\Process.exe -p SetupCopyOEMInf.exe high >>%SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    ECHO.exec hide %CD%\Process.exe -s setup.exe >>%SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    ECHO.wait 50000 >>%SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    ECHO.script %SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl >>%SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    :: Pre-Install (Suspend Setup, and Set Setup to Low Priority)

    .\Process.exe -s setup.exe

    .\Process.exe -p setup.exe low

    :: Allow for Unsigned Drivers

    START .\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe

    :: If Compressed Drivers Exist, Unzip Them & Change Drivers Location Folder to Hard Drive

    IF EXIST Drivers.7z (

    SET DRV=%SystemDrive%\Drivers

    .\7za.exe x -y -aoa -o"%SystemDrive%\Drivers" ".\Drivers.7z"


    :: Run NirCmd Ticker Script (code above)

    START .\NirCmd.exe script %SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl

    :: Install Drivers

    .\SetupCopyOEMInf.exe "%DRV%"

    :: Post-Install (Close NirCmd, Setup Priority back to Normal, Resume Setup)

    .\Process.exe -k NirCmd.exe

    .\Process.exe -p setup.exe normal

    .\Process.exe -r setup.exe

    :: Delete Ticker File

    DEL %SystemDrive%\Ticker.ncl


    I dont kwon wich driver create the problem, because i see blue screen but pc restart immediately.

    My folder of drivers is 900mb I've a lot of driver for many device

  6. How to change with regkey this

    1) Start classic menu and uncheck use personal menu

    2) Show qick bar

    3) Unlock task bar

    4) uncheck inactive icon

    5) automatic disposition of the icon on the desktop


  7. oem\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe



    and I've modified TXTSETUP.SIF with


    setupORG.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    presetup.cmd = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0

    and dosnet.inf with




    My presetup.cmd

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Comment out what you don't need. These are mostly |

    REM | examples to give you an idea of how it all works. |

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Finding CDROM driveletter |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    set tagfile=\win51ip.SP2

    for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | We should be already in system32, this is just to be |

    REM | sure |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|


    cd %SystemRoot%\system32

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Trick Windows into identifying the original setup.exe |

    REM | deleting the setup.exe will not work, just rename it |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exe

    if exist setupORG.exe ren setupORG.exe setup.exe

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Do other stuff like copying useful tools (optional) |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    rem cd %SystemRoot%\system32

    rem %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\data\System32.7z

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | If you are using compressed drivers unpack them here: |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    rem %SystemDrive%

    rem cd \

    rem %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers.rar

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Scanning for driverdirectories |


    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    REM | This one is for uncompressed drivers on the CD |

    %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers

    REM | This one is for your unpacked drivers on your HD |

    rem %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemDrive%\drivers

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Enable installation of unsigned drivers |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    start %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Prepare later installations (optional) |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    rem SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    rem REG ADD %KEY%\998 /V 1 /D "%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\t-13_install.cmd" /F

    rem REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "REG ADD %KEY%\zzz999 /V 1 /D %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\postinstall.cmd /F" /F

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Finally start the installation with the originally |

    REM | given parameters |

    REM |-------------------------------------------------------|

    start /WAIT setup.exe -newsetup

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM +=======================================================+

    REM | Cleanup |

    RD /Q /S %SystemDrive%\drivers

    REM | Reset DevicePath |

    REM +=======================================================+

    In OEM\drivers I've directory with all drivers

    oem\drivers\g graphic video

    oem\drivers\a audio


    what's wrong because my installation is stopping after the first start and not from any error message

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