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Posts posted by piglovesrat15

  1. Due to timing and testing constraints, MDT is NOT being used. I use WinPE 5x64 to boot up the machine and apply the Windows 8.1x64 wim image. The wim image doesn't have any additional drivers.

    After Windows 8.1x64 wim image is applied, I copy the extracted drivers to %systemroot%\inf, restart the machine but the drivers don't get installed during the Windows 8.1 setup. This works perfectly in Windows 7x64.

    Is there another location I have to put the drivers in Windows 8.1? Is there a better way to do so, beside injecting drivers to the offline wim image using DISM?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. Another engineer suggests to reseat the RAM, image it one more time and wowla, it works.

    Can you provide some details on this procedure? :unsure:


    Sure jaclaz. I opened the bottom of the Dell Latitude E6430, removed two RAM sticks and swapped their slots. Turned backed the laptop, boot it up w/ WinPE 5 x64, apply the same Windows 8.1 x64 wim image and didn't get the error after the reboot and Windows 8.1 initialization.

    That's my point. I didn't buy it the reseating memory. But it happened on two Dell Latitude E6430. So far the only thing the E6430 and the ToughPad have in common, again, is the i5 Ivy Bridge CPU.

  3. Just to give another update. I have another model to try this time, Dell Latitude E6430. Again, apply the same Windows 8.1 image for the first time, works, the second and third times, got the error message at the beginning. The laptop is NOT on a docking station. So what there to remove?

    Another engineer suggests to reseat the RAM, image it one more time and wowla, it works.

    That's just a temp. workaround.

    The ToughPad and E6430 have in common are they both i5 Ivy Bridge, i5-3437U and i5-3210M respectively.

  4. Thanks again Jessica for following up.

    I don't used the USB-Ethernet dongle to apply the image to other machines. I use it to apply the image on this ToughPad when it's not in the cradle (as the cradle has a built-in Ethernet port). Again the reason I apply the image on and off the cradle because of the failing as stated at the beginning of this topic.

    The USB port on the ToughPad is USB 3.0.

    What I have done under the administrator account is deleted all the user profiles that I logged in with, follow the link you provided to remove all the preinstalled apps. NO other apps have been installed from Microsoft Store. Sysprep successfully and capture the image. When deploy, same error. I have to try few times w/ on and off the cradle and finally able to apply the same image successful.

  5. With the built-in administrator account, I remove all the provisioned apps prior running Sysprep. However I did not get any errors during the Sysprep and prior to the shut down. I don't think it's applied to my case.

    That is what I put WinPE 5.0 x64 on, USB flash drive, w/ the driver of that USB to Ethernet adapter/dongle.

    It gotta be firmware/driver issues on this ToughPad w/ Windows 8.1. I didn't have any issue on it w/ Windows 8. Waiting for Panasonic to release updated firmware/drivers.

  6. It's not working all the time but when I try to reimage, I place the ToughPad on the Panasonic cradle, model FZ-VEGB11, the reimaging works. I then reimage it again off the cradle using USB to Ethernet dongle. Then put it back to the cradle if I want to reimage it again. Very weird. But just like Jessica said, it probably has to do something w/ the hardware. I'm still waiting for Panasonic for answer as I also run into some other issues, especially IE 11 freezes and crashes from time to time. Wonder if it has something to do w/ Intel Graphic HD 4000.

  7. I have building/deploying Win 8.1 w/out any drivers. All drivers are from native 8.1.

    Anyway the logs show it failed to copy the C:\Users\Administrator which again bugging me because it worked and then not. I even gave reset permissions to C:\Users\Administrator\Local\Adobe like someone on TechNet had the same error w/ Adobe Acrobat 10 installed but still no lucked.

    Johan's tips didn't work for me.

    If I found out something, I'll update this topic.

    Thanks everyone.

  8. Thank you Jessica for your reply. I have looked at the two TechNet articles. I'm going through the logs to see if I can see and get anything.
    Below is my UEFI diskpart script. We do NOT need Win RE partition.

    select disk 0
    convert gpt
    create partition efi size=100
    format quick fs=fat32 label="System"
    assign letter="S"
    create partition msr size=128
    create partition primary
    format quick fs=ntfs label="Windows"
    assign letter="W"

    So when I apply the image, I only apply the windows partition and use "bcdboot W:\Windows"

    See attached for my simple unattend.xml

    See the "setuperr.log" below

    2013-11-26 12:49:40, Error SYSPRP SPPNP: Failed to enumerate PnP DRP files. Err = 0x5[gle=0x000003f0]
    2013-11-26 12:50:31, Error [setup.exe] [Action Queue] : Unattend action failed with exit code 4
    2013-11-26 12:50:31, Error [setup.exe] Execution of unattend GCs failed; hr = 0x0; pResults->hrResult = 0x8030000b

    Maybe like you said, it may have something to do w/ the ToughPad. It bugs me that it works after few imaging and then it fails.


  9. Hello! I wonder if anyone has experienced this.

    I install Windows 8.1 64-bit Enterprise, remove all modern apps, log on as the built-in administrator account, delete all other accounts profiles and remove them from the local computer, customize settings, icons, and etc... then run Sysprep.xml. In my Sysprep.xml, CopyProfile is true to copy the profile to the default profile. Everything is good.

    I apply the wim file to three different machines all under UEFI 2.3.1. They all work. But on one of them, the Panasonic FZ-G1 ToughPad, when I re-image it, using the same wim image, the image applies but upon "Getting Ready", it gives an error, "Windows could not parse or process the unattend answer file for pass [specialize].......The error was detected while processing settings for component [Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup].

    I know the error is related to the <CopyProfile>. But why it works before and on other machines and fails when I re-image it using the same wim file.

    Thank you and happy Thanksgiving!

  10. Hello. Just want to ask anyone out there if they know a command to pin or unpin a program from taskbar. I know how to pin or unpin manually using the mouse and the shortcuts are in "%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\Taskbar".

    What I try to do is run command if a specific shortcut in there, then delete it. I use the DEL command, it only deletes the shortcut in "%appdata%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\User Pinned\Taskbar" folder but the icon (even though it's now blank) still pins from the taskbar.


  11. Anyone knows or has a batch script to detect if the computer is a laptop or not? I see many out there with VB script but because of work restrictions, I only allow to use batch files. What I want to accomplish is after the image is applied, user logs on, the script runs once and checks to see if the computer is a laptop or not. If it's a laptop, it will install the encryption software on the laptop.

    Thanks in advance

  12. I have a question about Windows 7 in WSUS. The imaging process I have done is: install Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, install third party software (Adobe, AV, etc), add the computer to the domain and in WSUS to get Windows and Office updates. Once AV defs and Windows are up to date in WSUS, run sysprep w/ OOBE and shutdown and capture the image using WinPE 3. I then go back to WSUS and delete that test computer name. So the question is, do I have to clear the keys in the Registry? I found something like this on the web:

    net stop wuauserv

    REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v AccountDomainSid /f

    REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v PingID /f

    REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate" /v SusClientId /f

    net start wuauserv

    wuauclt /resetauthorization /detectnow

    Or it's not neccessary for Windows 7?


  13. Hello,

    We have some Windows XP SP3 computers at work came from the instrument vendors with their proprietary instrument software pre-installed along with MS Office and MS SQL Server 2005 Express Edition SP2 or SP3. Before the workstations can be added to the domain, we have to change the computer names to our standard naming convention. When MS released SQL Server 2005 Express Edition security updates or SP, now is up to SP4, those workstations failed to install via WSUS. I have tried to manually download the updates, change keys in the Registry and everything that I found online but still no luck.

    So I was wondering the updates failed to install is because the change in computer name. Anyone has any thoughts or ideas? I plan to change the computer name back to when SQL Server 2005 Express Edition was installed and try to run the updates.

    Thanks for reading.

  14. Found the solution:

    ver | findstr /il "5.1." > nul

    if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto winxp

    ver | findstr /il "6.0." > nul

    if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto winvista

    ver | findstr /il "6.1." > nul

    if %errorlevel% equ 0 goto win7

    The above will check for the version number and then goto depends on the OS. If it's XP then it gives an error. I also added a line to check wether it's a 64-bit or not and install IE9 accordingly. For example:


    if defined ProgramFiles(x86) goto win7x64

  15. Hello! I'm trying to create a simple cmd script to install IE9 depends on user Windows version (Vista x86 & x64 and 7 x86 & x64). I tested on Windows 7 x86 and x64 fine using "if exist" for either x86 or x64 but I'm stuck on how to tell it to distinguise between Vista (SP1 and SP2) and 7 (Build 7600 and Build 7601 SP1). Anyone out there can give me some information? Thanks.

  16. Hello,

    The computer I use to build and integrate updates and drivers is running Windows 7x64 Enterprise and it is up-to-date. I install RT7Lite RC 1.7.0, Windows AIK 2.0 for Win7 and download about 60 updates for Windows 7x64 (MSU) and drivers (.inf) for the computer. Integrate all of them, make the ISO and everything is fine, no error.

    I then install Windows 7x64 Enterprise using the new installation disc, everything is fine, no error. After the installation is completed, I go to Even Viewer, under Windows Logs and Application, there are about 50 Warning errors refer to the same thing.

    Event 1130, .NET Runtime Optimzation Service. .NET Runtime Optimization Service (2.0.50727.4952) - Version or flavor did not match with repository: mcstore. Other warnings are the same except the last word(s) after the colon "AuditPolicyGPManagedStubs.Interop" or "Microsoft.MediaCenter" or "ehRecObj".

    When I click on the "Event Log Online Help", a new window pops up with the folling information:

    Product Name

    Microsoft .NET Framework

    Product Version


    Event ID


    Event Source

    .NET Runtime Optimization Service

    Locale ID1033

    Has anyone see this type of warning errors using? There is no .NET Framework 4.0 installed anywhere on the computer nor I download it. Thank you.

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