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Posts posted by mkruger

  1. ....I may have just found the answer to this perplexing issue.

    See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/570464/remote-wmi-with-windows-xp-sp3

    If XP isn't in a domain then the "Use Simple File Sharing" option, found in the Folder Options control panel applet, works it magic. If this option is enabled (the default) all file sharing connections are done with the guest user credential, but this also is applied to incoming DCOM connections as well.

    Disabling this option allows DCOM connections to be verified as expected.

    I will need to do another build to verify this....but on my latest build where, even after rebuilding WMI, it still didn't work....disabling simple file sharing resolved the problem.

    This registry tweak should solve the problem.....

    ;Do not use Simple File Sharing

  2. Hello all,

    Following all the great advice in this forum, I built an unattended XP SP3 image (with applications) which for the most part works really well.

    My only problem is the resulting installation always has WMI problems (access is denied when doing remote WMI queries).

    I even tried adding in the "WMIreset.exe" from RyanVM (called in cmdlines.txt)....but WMI still is broken.

    The only way I have been able to fix it is by manually doing a complete WMI rebuild:

    rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection WBEM 132 %windir%\inf\wbemoc.inf

    That's a real pain and can sometimes cause file version mismatches (breaking all sorts of stuff....like DCOM, DNS clients, Network drive mappings, etc.). And it does not always solve the problem either.

    Anyway....since I am not always the most intuitive problem solver, at first I thought it might be my XP Pro SP2 retail source which I slipstreamed SP3 into (and then further modified to accept an OEM SLP key). But even after swapping that out for an XP Pro SP3 VLK source (also tweaked for OEM SLP)....the problems remain. So the XP source does not appear to be the cause of the problem.

    This left me to believe it probably is caused by my stripped down and repackaged DotNet 3.5 SP1 installer which I've been calling via RunOnceEx.cmd

    I really want to include DotNet in my image because it's a prerequisite for powershell 2.0...which also is in the image.

    But even when commenting those lines out of RunOnceEx, the problem continues.....leaving me back to believing it's a problem introduced by Service Pack 3.

    The problem is easily seen using any kind of remote WMI query (such as Get-wmiobject in powershell). And yes, I am passing proper admin credentials in my queries.

    Here is the full contents of the error as fed back to powershell.....

    Get-WmiObject : Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))
    At line:1 char:14
    + get-wmiobject <<<< -ComputerName win32_operatingsystem
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: ( [Get-WmiObject], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetWmiObjectCommand

    Anyone ever run into this?

  3. The site is up.....but for some reason is not working for Firefox 3.6.X, or IE6. It does however work fine with IE8.

    I've been playing with GimageX over the weekend and comparing ImageX with GUI to several other imaging tools.

    ImageX is very impressive and the GimageX GUI front end makes it considerably easier to use. :thumbup .

    Until now I have been using self-image professionally at work (because it's the only decent tool available without buying a license). However, based on these results, I will now be using ImageX. (That said, If I could get my company to buy Acronis or Drive Snapshot client licenses, I would be using one of those instead - I've been using drive snapshot at home for years)

    The following results were achieve when backing up an image of Windows Vista.

    Acronis 13 - 26 minute backup, 21 minute restore

    Drive Snapshot 27 minute backup, 25 minute restore

    Ghost 11.5 - 37 minute backup, 34 minute restore

    Self image - Fail (over 60 minutes backup). Restore not tested. (this project appears to have been abandoned now anyway).

    ImageX 46 minute backup, 22 minute restore. (didn't properly restore boot sector for Vista, but worked fine restoring XP)

    My next step is to cobble together a quick and dirty BartPE plugin. It should be pretty easy to do because the latest version of ImageX/GimageX runs fine under BartPE as just a collection of files in a folder (the same is true when launched from a folder on a mapped drive).

  4. Your syntax works on my test m/c , hence I'm also curious why it can't work at your ends. Have you observe any console message error? What does it says?

    Have you also try running via svcpack.inf (in the form of an addon)?

    Curious.....I guess I could always try adding to the svcpack.inf. It's a bit less visible (for me) to maintain that way....but I will give it a try anyway.

    I also could do it via Winnt.sif under RunOnceGUI....as I have been putting more stuff there lately.

  5. Update:

    It is possible to automate the installation of the mirror driver. :thumbup

    However, it cannot be automated using the supplied batch file that calls "setupdrv.exe". :realmad:

    It is embarrassing to say how much time I spent figuring that out..... :blushing:

    Here's what I did.....I used Microsoft "Devcon.exe" and called it during GUIRunOnce (Winnt.sif).

    command10="%systemdrive%\uvncdriver\devcon.exe install %systemdrive%\uvncdriver\driver\mv2.inf mv_hook_display_driver2"

    It may also be helpful to mention how I disabled certified driver checking via regtweaks which was applied prior to this driver installation. :whistle:

    The last step is to cleanup the driver folder post install because by this time, cleanup.cmd has already run and been removed.

    Here I have a self deleting batch file for post install cleanup steps running from the user profile startup directory..... :boring:

    @echo Performing cleanup steps......
    sleep 5
    rmdir /S /Q %systemdrive%\uvncdriver\
    del %0

  6. it's interesting...IE 8 just installed properly...but it seem that if I have anything else (sp3, other addon and whatever else) along it just won't work properly...I'm currently in progress of testing if I can add anything else to the setup with IE being the first thing after SP2...hopefully it still works...:|

    For whatever it's worth, mine is the very last item of many hotfixes which I slipstreamed into the installation via Autopatcher (which uses the svcpack.inf method).

  7. Anyone had any luck automating the installation of the Ultra VNC Mirror Driver (version 1.0.22)?

    Anecdotal evidence suggests it fails because of some restriction put into place by Microsoft...but whether that's really true or not, I don't know. :unsure:

    What I do know is that I can install Ultra VNC and configure it to run as a system service using RunOnceEx.cmd.

    For reference here are the lines from my RunOnceEX.cmd

    REG ADD %KEY%\045 /VE /D "UltraVNC" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\045 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\UVNC\UltraVNC_1.0.9.5_Setup.exe /SP- /VERYSILENT /NORESTART /LOADINF=%systemdrive%\Install\UVNC\install.inf" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\045 /V 2 /D "\"%Systemdrive%\Program Files\UltraVNC\WinVNC.EXE\" -install" /f

    And to pre-configure the settings, I also copy over a customized winvnc.ini file via $OEM$\$Progs\UltraVNC\. So when the program installs, it uses these settings (eliminating any further reconfiguration) :D

    But I've had no luck with the mirror driver install using either RunOnceEX.cmd or calling it via Winnt.sif (RunOnceGUI). :no:

    Lines from Winnt.sif (In case there is some relation, I included the line from my driver packs installer finisher)


    Oddly, the mirror driver manually installs OK. :}

    Hmmm....I just found something from Technet that could be related: http://technet.microsoft.com/es-es/library/cc779048%28WS.10%29.aspx

    You cannot run installation programs that rely on the Windows Explorer shell

    The Windows Explorer shell is not loaded when the operating system starts running commands, programs, scripts, or batch files that are listed in the [GuiRunOnce] section of an answer file. In some cases, you can get an updated installer program from the application vendor that does not rely on the Windows Explorer shell. If you cannot, you might be able to repackage the application as a Windows Installer package (.msi file).

    Perhaps this driver "MUST" be installed via the shell. I didn't know the shell was not running at this stage.

  8. Following all the great tips and advice found on this forum, my automated install disk is coming along very nicely. Thanks everyone. :thumbup

    However, I am having some problems when using cleanup.cmd to create new folders in the root of the %Systemdrive%. I suspect it's a permissions issue or something. My cleanup.cmd is executed via RunOnceEX.CMD.

    The following do not work:

    MKDIR "%systemdrive%\BAK\"


    MD "%systemdrive%\BAK\"

    :whistle: I suppose I could sidestep the whole problem by adding folders under $OEM$\$1, but I am curious :blink: why the MKDIR command does not work in the cleanup.cmd batch file.

    Any ideas? :}

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