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Posts posted by maddrummer

  1. I've done everything you list and I get nothing in the console. I tried Putty and Hyperterminal Private Edition 7.0 since there's no hyperterminal in windows 7.

    Yes and I tried to swap them and I can't get a prompt from the HDD.

    My last news is that HDD is in good condition and on new PC works.

    to maddrummer: Do you connect RX from convertor to TX on HDD and TX ->RX ??

    HDD is connect to power ? if you have BSY problem after connect to convertor and power supply you should receive LED: 000000CC FAddr: 0024A051. You try connect converter, connect power supply and after run hyperterminal and set parameter 38400 8 N 1 N

  2. Hi everyone!

    I have a little problem here...

    I have a Seagate 500GB 7200.11 with BSY problems.

    My problem is when I plug the RX-TX cables to the HDD I can't get a prompt when pressing CTRL+z. But when I do my loop test everything is working I can type in my console.

    I was wondering if my problem could be because I plugged my (RS-232)-to-TTL adapter with the 5V red cable from a molex plug.

    Someone knows what I'm doing wrong??

    This is my (RS-232)-to-TTL adapter : http://www.robotshop.ca/sfe-db9-rs232-shifter.html


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