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Everything posted by Redirect

  1. What mean install a new copy? From the same installation cd or try from another? Can you explain the difference between low level format and zerofill? and how can i do this?
  2. Hi all... i'm new member. Im' italian and don't speak very well english... I have a problem.... many times, after reinstalling windows, when i try to shutdown my pc, win show me a stop error no the i8042prt driver... i found that this is a keyboard and mouse driver. Before the format, win xp always worked normally.... nothing stop error... i've never installed mouse or keyboard driver, and also afetr reinstalling.... i have a logitech cordless mous and a genius keyboard... how can i resolve this? ps: sorry for my english bye...
  3. Hi... it's my first reply... in your unattended, didn't you used the $OEM$ directory? I have read the programs.cmd and i see that the unattended install all program from cd... I know that with the $OEM$ metod all the program setup is is copied on the HD and deleted after install. Can you tell me what metod you used to do the unattended?
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