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Posts posted by cfeedback

  1. Thanks, Sneaky. Actually the card is a Pine PCI3800. I tried all the slots to make sure it wasn't connectors, the monitor cable works, etc. I called Pine and tech support told me I need to "disable my onboard vid card" and then the Pine ard should be recognized. Since the motherboard is not a Pine, I was told I need to contact --- Dell.

    I typed some keywords into Dell KBase. ... I have no idea how to do this ... especially since I cannot see the desktop!

    You will need to get into the BIOS in order to disable the onboard video. If you're not able to do this you might be SOL.

  2. Right, having a slight problem with this.

    Added the line to the winnt.sif file,

    Added all the entries to the txtsetup.sif

    Compressed the two .sys driver files and added to the I386 folder.

    Added the $OEM$ folder structure and driver files. Tried the IDE and RAID way and just the RAID folder - both the same.

    Right, XP setup starts and i get the correct drives listed ti install to. It all goes through fine, reboots and finishes setup without fault. It then restrts again at the end and comes back to the xp boot screen. Then the system just restarts.

    Will not go further than that.

    Any ideas? Thanks.


    Didn't ever come across this problem. Most of the time it would give an error in the dos based setup if anything was wrong. When you say it "finishes setup without fault" you mean the windows portion of the setup? You could post the relevant portions of your .sif files for someone to look over...also are you doing other unattended stuf - registry edits, other apps, etc? You might try starting from scratch, get a working ISO with the RAID drivers first, then build on it from there.

  3. An error has been encountered that prevents setup from continuing

    Internal Setup data structures are corrupted (phase 0)

    I have done everything exactly as you except for compressing the .sys files and therefore also added the "x" after the ,4_ as you suggested.

    nvraid.sys            = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4 - compressed

    nvraid.sys            = 1,,,,,,_x,4,1,,,1,4 - uncompressed

    I might not have been clear on that in my initial post. In theory it should work either way in practice I've only tried compressed so YMMV.

    Haven't spent much time on this site lately as my slipstream DVD is a thing of beauty that almost brings a tear to my eyes. I spend my time now making them for friends' PCs, or at least trying to convince them that they need it. (Friend: Why would I want to reinstall Windows again?)

    Glad this thread has helped a number of people!

  4. So your saying my settings should be okay and this should have worked for me?  Maybe its the drivers causeing the problems.  I am going to extract the drivers from the Nvidia nForce3 5.03 package at the MSI site.  Just realized the drivers I were kind of dated.  Think I am going to change the raid from 32k to 64k too. If this doesn't work its RMA time.  Man I miss my NF7-S 2.0 anf my 2500+ at 2.3ghz!!


    I would have to agree that you should give Bashrat's pack a try as it looks like it's working fairly well now and he's done the hard work for you. I posted this because at the time there were still a few issues with it and NVRAID and I needed something to work RIGHT away. Plus, I just needed to go over the process I went through after a grueling two days of frustration and countless windows installs (thank god for dvd-rw's).

    Might I also suggest you ignore anything and everything MSI gives you driver/application wise (well..excluding your BIOS updates of course) and get the RAID drivers from the nvidia package: http://www.nvidia.com/object/nforce_udp_winxp_5.10

  5. Well, I'm never one to leave well enough alone and something I've done from my last good build (ya, I should test each change once at a time I guess) is causing this error when my start.cmd runs. Anyone have a clue as to the most likely cause of this?

    Various info...

    "REGEDIT /S regtweaks.reg"

    useraccounts.cmd is setup identical to what's in the guide...

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 

    ;Disable Automatic Restart in the event of a BSOD

    ;Speed up shutdown

    ;Disable the Desktop Cleanup Wizard

    ;Disables Windows Tour bubble popup

    ;Disable Remote Registry Service

    ;Disable Anti-virus Notifications
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]

    ;Disable Firewall Notifications
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]

    ;Disable Automatic Updates Notifications
    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center]

    ;Disable Indexing Service

    ;Disable Update Device Driver Wizard

    I won't list my start.cmd (set to run from GUIRunOnce) unless someone thinks it's necessary...I can click continue through the errors and it fails on every installer, all of which work in a previous build.

    I appreciate anyone who can save me a lot of time/effort on troubleshooting this!

  6. [Version]

    AddReg = CDImage
    AddReg = Mount
    DelReg = Daemon

    HKCR,"Folder\shell\MakeBootISO\command",,,"CDIMAGE.EXE -LWINDOWS -YD -N -H -X -B%11%\xpBoot.img -OCI -M -D %here% %24%\BootImage.iso"
    HKCR,"Folder\shell\MakeDataISO\command",,,"CDIMAGE.EXE -LDATA -YD -N -H -X -O -M -D %here% %24%\DataImage.iso"

    HKCR,"ISO_Image\Shell\Mount\Command",,,%16422%\D-Tools\"daemon.exe -mount 0,%1

    HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","DAEMON Tools-1033"

    here = """%1"""

    I thought it was the same as what you listed, but I could've made a mistake...thanks for the help!

    BTW I didn't mention it, but it DOES end up working - I can right click to mount an image. I just don't know why it launches another installer!

  7. I don't have any firm reason why, but I'd prefer not to use nLite. I believe I can remove the bluetooth support from XP manually by removing these files, but the problem is during the DOS based setup I have to tell it to skip these files it can't find. Can someone tell me exactly what file I need to edit? txtsetup or something I'm guessing?

    files removed from I386:














  8. Has anything changed on this method (which I love btw, thanks!) with 3.47? I have 2 issues: first, when I run Daemonscript.msi with either the /qb or /qn switch fromt start.cmd it installs into C:, yet when I run it manually it installs into \Program Files\ as it should.

    Second, my rundll32 line does all sorts of crazy stuff so I must be doing something wrong. It will usually load another installer than already ran from the start.cmd, such as my ATI Remote Wonder or Logitech Setpoint software. Thanks for any help!

    ECHO Installing DaemonTools v3.47
    ECHO Please wait...
    start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\DaemonTools\DaemonTools.msi /qn REBOOT="ReallySuppress"
    start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\DaemonTools\Daemonscript.msi /qb
    start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\DaemonTools\DaemonDriveInstall.DaemonScript
    rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 %systemdrive%\Install\DaemonTools\DaemonTools.inf

  9. the only problem i have it's that i can't do it unattended :}

    doesn't that defeat the purpose of an unattended installation? :P also, without the SP2 bluetooth support I'm guessing my mouse/keyboard won't work until the Widcomm stack is installed, which will basically be a pain in the butt as I'll have to connect a regular ps/2 set.

    Don't tell me that's the most elegant solution possible...there's too many smart people that read these forums!

    On the nLite method I tried before, when I got the graphical windows installer services.exe could not find MSVCP60.dll. I'll have to try it without asking nLite to integrate the widcomm crap automatically next...

  10. What are the chances of my being able to integrate this into my XP install? Having all sorts of problems getting it to play nice with SP2. My logitech bluetooth mouse/keyboard combo works with the SP2 drivers but I lose out on some of the features. Oh, and for some reason the SetPoint drivers won't install unattended unless the widcomm stack is installed first. I can install the stack after windows is up and running but it doesn't recognize the bluetooth USB hub like it did before.

    The method I'm trying now is to use nLite to remove the XP Bluetooth drivers, then I picked it to add the widcomm INF file. I'll be amazed if it works the first time. Other ideas I had were to include the widcomm files in either I386\$OEM$\... or in the regular $OEM$\$\Driver\ directory. I'm not sure they'll install without the setup.exe there's like 74 files with the installer.

    Also, if I wanted to remove the Bluetooth support from my XPCD manually, any idea which files they are? I know about the bth.inf (bth.in_) file - would removing that be enough?

    Thanks for any ideas!

  11. Ok first I'm installing this from the start.cmd in [GuiRunOnce]. It's the full package. YMMV if your setup isn't the same...I'm really no expert.

    Run the base setup.exe (the one after you've extracted everything from the ATI download) with the -R switch. The setup.iss it generates looked like this for me:

    [InstallShield Silent]
    File=Response File
    [File Transfer]

    You need to add BootOption=0 on the last line. I also found that I needed to go into the \WDM\ directory, run setup.exe -R again, and put its setup.iss there. The installers in \CPanel\ and \Driver\ already have them.

    This setup seems to work flawlessly for me. Run this first in your start.cmd file or second if you install .NET from the start.cmd as well.

  12. I had the same problem at first, at least with it asking to restart. Didn't have a problem with it asking for the express install. In any case, I had to make one more setup.iss that one of the components was missing.

    In... \$1\Install\Catalyst\ I have a total of 4 setup.iss files...one in the main directory, and ones in CPanel, WDM, and Driver. While I don't know if they're all necessary, it works for me...make sure they all have the BootOption=0 line and if you're missing any of them you can create one by running that individual installer with the -R switch.

  13. Yeah, the built-in firewall is actually decent now...I'll agree with that. He's not using ZA but rather Norton Internet Security. I'm more thinking along the lines of the extra/demo versions of programs a lot of CDs have on them. I can just forsee him installing some 2 year old version of a program and I was trying to minimize any future conflicts. On the topic of firewalls, I'd like to use the built-in one that his K8N Neo Platinum MB has but it's a bit buggy now - maybe in a future driver update it will be worthwhile.

    In any case, you bring up some valid points. I'll have to give it some thought. I was just trying to be cautious and keep him off the "bleeding edge" of technology. ;)

  14. and I feel better off with it disabled anyway
    Are you also one who doesn't buckle your seatbelt in your car because it takes too much time?

    I guess I should take time to explain myself better. This is a PC I built for my non-technical minded uncle. While I don't have the offending mpegport.sys, I don't think that's the only problem out there. On the AMD forums I've seen people report crashes from certain other programs - ZoneAlarm comes to mind. He's the kind of guy who'd buy a program and install everything on it even if it was a 2 year old version.

    It's far easier for me to disable it now and tell him 6 months from now to enable it, than to risk him doing something stupid that might cause a conflict. I can just hear the phone conversation in my mind..."safe mode? ok I hit the F key then 8?" and it would probably go downhill from there... :rolleyes:

  15. DEP (Data Execution Protection) & AMD64 chips have a known conflict in certain setups, and I feel better off with it disabled anyway. This is what I have in my start.cmd to disable it and it seems to work fine - is this the preferred way to do this?

    ECHO Disabling Data Execution Protection (DEP)...

    bootcfg /raw "/execute /fastdetect" /ID 1

  16. old post...anyone have the answer for this? I made an .iss file for it, which works okay, but after it installs and launches powerchute asks if it can have your zip code and send info to APC which of course requires intervention. :-/

    Using Personal Edition 1.5.

    [InstallShield Silent]
    File=Response File
    [File Transfer]
    szDir=C:\Program Files\APC\APC PowerChute Personal Edition
    Name=APC PowerChute Personal Edition

  17. hey yal trying to silently install ATi remote wonder 2.3 as well as my Hp software/drivers for my printer, scanner, dvd rw, and camera but it looks as if the setup.exe was created by somethign other then windows msi and installshield.... as i cant use any of the /r functions in command prompt!

    anyone got any clues how to go about this?

    remote-2-5.exe -R worked for me...it's installshield.

    I have an HP all-in-one to deal with as well but I haven't gotten that far yet. :)

  18. I don't know if I'm the only one who had a hell of a time getting NVRAID to work unattended (ie non-F6 install) but I spent a good 2 days (sleep? what's that?) searching for any sort info on how to get it to up and running. I sure didn't see any glowing success stories out there. I now have it set up on both an MSI K7N2 Delta2 Platinum & an MSI K8N2 Neo Platinum. With a 3GB bootable DVD that has it all, this AMD64 PC is finally ready to be delivered to my uncle who I built it for. I'll post the relevant info below and let someone else make a nice step by step how-to. This is basically GreenMachine's guide with the right hardware IDs and what not for NVRAID.

    Hardware was the Neo Plat mentioned above, AMD64 3200+, and 2x Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 9 200GB serial ATA HDs on SATA channel 3 and 4. RAID 1 bootable. Slipstreamed Windows XP Pro w/SP2, all my device drivers, and a ton of applications. RAID/SATA drivers are straight out of the nForce 4.24 install.

    Only thing you need in winnt.sif is...


    While I'm not sure if syntax matters, MS lists it without any "" and without a ; after the last directory. Also I found no difference in trying to order my drivers ie 001_RAID, 002_IDE - but I would suggest you keep your directory names to 8 characters or less. Again, I don't know if that's crucial but I did read that somewhere and this is what worked for me. You can of course have as many other directories as you need listed there for your other drivers, up to I believe 4096 characters.

    Next, in txtsetup.sif

    nvatabus.sys          = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4
    nvraid.sys            = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4

    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_008E = "nvatabus"
    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0085 = "nvatabus"
    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00D5 = "nvatabus"
    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00EE = "nvatabus"
    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00E3 = "nvatabus"
    PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_00E5 = "nvatabus"
    *_NVRAIDBUS           = "nvraid"
    GenNvRaidDisk         = "nvraid"

    nvatabus              = nvatabus.sys,4
    nvraid                = nvraid.sys,4

    nvatabus              = "NVIDIA NForce Storage Controller"
    nvraid                = "NVIDIA RAID CLASS DRIVER"

    You may or may not have to change 4_ (in the SourceDisksFiles) to _x if you don't compress your .sys files in a step coming up. It doesn't (appear) to matter if you list these under an existing heading in txtsetup or all at the end - I did the latter. Like a few others I've seen I'm not real clear on the format of the #,,, crap but the one I know has to be right in this particular setup is the 4 for the System32 directory.

    As I said above, this is basically what GreenMachine tells you to do in his guide. The main problem I had were getting the 2 nvraid HardwareIDs right. In hindsight I feel like an id*** for it taking this long, but do a google on GenNvRaidDisk and you don't see too many people talking about it. I spent a lot of time on these forums, MSI's, nforceHQs, and several others and saw lots of people talking about SATA/RAID but not too many about NVRAID specifically. If you need this info (ie your drivers are similiar but not identical, it's in your .inf file(s). Example...





    As you'll notice I didn't need to list them all, and in fact had a couple for the MCP2 that I'm pretty sure I didn't need. I don't think it hurts to list them all for a universal nforce install. If it's not clear, you start after the comma and list everything to the right = "driver"

    Ok, next you need to take your nvraid.sys and nvatabus.sys files, use makecab to compress them, and stick them in your \XPCD\I386\ directory. You do NOT need an I386\$OEM$\ directory for this to work - just your regular $OEM$ one with the paths defined in winnt.sif. The 2 .sys files you compressed earlier should also be here in their original form. I split the files up from nForceWin2KXP\4.24\IDE\WinXP\ up into RAID and IDE directories based on someone else's setup I saw but I'm not sure that's necessary. If you do go that route, in my IDE directory I had...


    Everything else went in Drivers\RAID. You can safely delete the disk1 and txtsetup.oem files. With that you should be ready to make your ISO! The only thing that didn't work the same as a floppy install was I had to manually create a start menu shortcut for the nvraidman.exe program.

    For those of you trying to fiddle around with TEXTMODE, I have a hunch it would work that way too with the .sys (sy_ for \i386\) and .dll files in the right places - I think you'd need some of them in at least 2 or 3 locations from my experience with earlier attempts. When you install (well in my case) the drivers from a floppy via F6, when windows is completely installed you're left with a Windows\Oemdir\ directory with the files from the floppy (the .infs will be renamed by the windows installer). Since the installer can't handle .DLLs in textmode, it appears to me it loads just the .sys files, copies the rest to the Oemdir, and installs those in the GUI part of the process. You won't, however, be able to achieve the same result as easily (believe me I tried!). I'm guessing you'll need your \I386\$OEM$\ dir, and in there you'll need ones for textmode, \$$\System32\driver\, etc at the least. After countless hours reading obscure microsoft technotes and whatnot I have the impression that it will work if you really want it to., but I'm not about to mess around with this anymore on a PC that's not even mine. When in doubt, duplicate the driver files in different directories and use a process of elimination. Nearly every time there was a problem the installer would tell me what file caused the error, and if it was an .inf file what line even. Best of luck to you if that's the way you want to go...

    Phew, this is a little lengthier than I planned and probably more detail than the average member of this forum needs. I'm sure this can be integrated into the DriverPack in about 30 seconds. I believe now the only reason it didn't work initially on my setup was due to the missing GenNvRaidDisk entry - although I also found no need to edit the dosnet.inf file. In any case I hope this helps at least a few others!

  19. [quote name='trainee' date='Sep 13 2004, 08:29 PM']@cfeedback: Okay I'm a little disappointed that you won't be working on this method but I wish you the best of luck.  It appears that rcordorica was able to get the NVRaid working, but only with some 'locate file' dialogs.  This method (M2) is currently the least understood and I think most people are working on it to try and find a single way to install *all* drivers and edit as few files as possible.  There is no known way to get the TXTSETUP.SIF method (M1) to work for 3ware drivers, so for people with 3ware cards this is currently the only way to slipstream.[/quote]
    FWIW when I get a sec I will certainly let you know everything I tried. :)

    hell I might be trying this again in 30 minutes if this doesn't work...

  20. [quote name='trainee' date='Sep 13 2004, 12:36 PM']@cfeedback: do you have the same problem as rcordorica now?  In other words does nvraid install but you have to point it to the DLL files during gui-install?  I think that the two of you solved the same problem in different ways: you by copying the DLL's to XPCD\I386\$OEM$\$$\System32\ and rcordorica by changing his TXTSETUP.OEM 'DLL=' entried to 'INF='.  Hopefully this is the case so that everyone is now working on the same problem.[/quote]
    I might've jumped the gun a bit there - I was desperate for any ray of hope after working this for a day and a night. I don't remember the exact error but it wouldn't get very far in the GUI install (VPC).

    It now seems to me that the GreenMachine's txtsetup.sif method is the way to go, even with NV RAID and their multitude of DLLs. Everything looks good in VPC, so it's time to format....again.

    I've been using some info from the DriverPack thread so I'll post my results there.
  21. [quote name='trainee' date='Sep 12 2004, 06:19 AM']I could come up with directory suggestions until I'm blue in the face, but I would have no way of testing them.  I would probably try to generate about 50+ directories that seem plausible and just stick the dll files there.  An example would be $OEM$\OemDir\*.dll or I386\$OEM$\OemDir\*.dll.  This is how I found I386\$OEM$\.  By putting it in so many different directories you can find out if it works very quickly and then later find out which was the actual directory that made it work.  I will keep searching and thinking about this problem, but until then best of luck and thanks again.[/quote]
    XPCD\I386\$OEM$\$$\System32\ is where I had to put my DLLs for NV RAID (MSI K8N Neo Platinum) in order to get past the error 18 oemdisk.c problem mentioned by others earlier in this thread. Still not making a lot of progress though.

    rcordorica - your posts have been very helpful. I will share my experiences to see if they offer any insight after I have a chance to get some sleep - been working on this for a good 12 hours.

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