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Posts posted by shawntkeating

  1. I doubt it's missing, or you would be unable to boot.

    As to DEP causing an issue, are you using IE6, 7, or 8? If you're using IE7 or IE8, try running "iexplore.exe -extoff" from Start > Run and see if the problem goes away. If it does, you have a misbehaving activex control, which you can use Manage Add-Ons to try and find with trial and error. If it still fails running IE with extoff, you probably have a browser helper (not an activex) that is causing it, and at that point the only thing you can do is to start using a tool like autoruns to try and clean out things that are loaded in your IE via the "Internet Explorer" tab in Autoruns to try and find the culprit.

    I will try a couple things as well as the things you mentioned above to try and see more clearly what is going on. I thought Windows could actually boot with a corrupt or missing boot.ini as long as it was a defaulted install and it would try the default directory on the first partition it can find. I doubt this is the problem, but I was just thinking ahead as to the steps to take and fix the boot.ini through recovery.

  2. Which webbrowser is causing the DEP failures, or is it consistent across multiple browsers?

    It is also when trying to use secure logins. The computer is using IE. I just am wondering if the boot.ini is actually missing and if so to disable DEP won't I need to do that within boot.ini? Or is there somewhere else I can completely disable DEP?

  3. Having an issue with my computer where I receives a Data Execution Prevention error that does not allow me to login to any secure websites or download anything from the internet. I checked the Data Execution Prevention settings on the computer and they were enabled for only essential windows programs and services. After that I did a search for boot.ini and boot. Neither showed up in the search with hidden folders and files being shown. I then looked for the file manually so that I could edit the file and turn off DAP completely, it was missnig from the C:\ directory as well.

    Machine seems likely to be infected.

    I am going to try and scan the Computer for anything malicious but assuming nothing turns up what are my options? I also have access to another computer that is on the same network and is running the same OS and similar programs.

  4. If you're talking about simply imaging the install from one drive and dropping that image on a new drive in the same PC, that can be done without anything special. This will work even if you're moving the image to a new PC entirely, as long as everything inside is exactly the same (depending on the version of XP, you may have to re-activate, but it will work once activated).

    If you're cloning a machine and plan on putting that image on more than one machine, though, you need to consider using sysprep to "prep" the machine (and remove most machine-specific info, including the SID) before capturing the image - that way each iteration of the image put down on a new PC is different (after mini-setup runs). Note you need a volume license of Windows to do this legally, of course.


    I have a small network of 10 machines. One of those machines's drives died. I got the exact same drive brand new but I want to configure this windows xp installation exactly how it is on all the other machines. So, I want to clone one of the other 9 machines that is working great and configured correctly. Both these have the same hardware, and where previously set up the same. My goal is to get this replacement hard drive set back up and configure windows all the same as one of the working PC's

    I am just a little worried about possible conflicts since these are all on a network, although this worry may not be valid. As for re-activating, yes each PC has its own windows key sticker on the tower so if the activation fails or has a problem, could I just simply re-activate and be done with it?

    Will this new machine pop up as a double on the network, or will it automatically become unique? I have no intentions of doing this on a grand scale just this one machine because its drive failed and I want it to go quick.

    So how do I do this?

  5. What I'm looking to do is to take an image from one working computer (PC-1) and put it onto another computer that will be getting a new hard drive after the old one died (PC-2), such that I can save time getting this PC-2 back up to working order and connected back to the network.

    What is the easiest way to do this considering both computers have the exact same hardware and software prior to PC-2's Hard drive crashing.

    I am a little lost as to the quickest simplest and most problem free way to go about this. Also what software is recommended as well as the configuration needed to avoid issues from having them interfere with each other over the network because of SID, or is identical settings not a problem? I want to save time by setting the PC-2 up quickly so the client can get back to work.

    Thanks in advance for any help and guidance.

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