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Posts posted by d0n

  1. I followed the Gradius' tutorial and could successfully unbrick my LBA 0 drive. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!:D

    I was able to access and back up my data (using an external USB drive), however Windows Vista didn't initialize.

    Windows Vista reported something like "Failed in initialization process" and there're two options I could choose "Boot normaly" and "Try to fix". Needless to say that none worked for me.

    So, for those who are having the same issue I would like to post the solution that worked for me....

    If you have an external USB HDD reader use it, otherwise plug it as a secondary drive in an other Windows computer, and run on the prompt chkdsk /R. You need to be on the unbricked drive (E: or F: usually).

    This command should fix bad blocks and get things working again without losing your files....

    GL and remember to be cautious and back up your data.

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