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Posts posted by vipin

  1. Hi,

    I have tried my best, but looks like Scripting is not going to be that easy for me. So I have just given up.

    I am trying to make my XP Unattended CD. And so I need addons. Kindly see me list of requests.

    My basic requirement is that there should not be any advertisements with any addon. Like FoxIT PDF Reader also gives options to install ASK.COM toolbar (God knows why), I don't want to install such things.

    Otherwise, just default installation. I just want to save time and have an install that is quick and good.

    My addon request:

    FoxIT PDF Reader


    K-Lite Mega Codec Pack

    Windows Media Player 11

    Nokia PC Suite or Nokia OVI Suite (whichever is given to me, I am ok)

    Mozilla Firefox (Latest Version)

    Mozilla Firefox Plugins: Java Runtime Environement and Adobe Flash Player Plugin


    Nero Burning Rom takes maximum time during installation, but it also requires key. If someone can create an addon for that, so that it asks me for key during installation or after complete XP setup, it will be added bonus.


  2. Update

    This new code seems to be working fine:

    Run ( "Winamp5.exe" )


    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Welcome to the Winamp installer")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;License Agreement

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "License Agreement")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Choose Install Location

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Choose Install Location")

    Send ( @ProgramFilesDir & "\Winamp" )

    Sleep (10000)

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Choose Components

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Choose Components")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Choose Start Options

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Choose Start Options")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button5")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button6")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Removing Advertisements

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Get the Most Out of Winamp")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button5")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button6")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button7")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Finishing Installation

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Installation Complete")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button4")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    Can you possibly suggest what should be the right value for "Sleep (10000)". Earlier it was not entering "C:\Program Files\Winamp" properly, but now it is entering. But it is also making me wait.

    Also, please tell me if this new code is ok, or some improvement can be done in it.

    After finishing installation, Winamp, after launching for the first time, asks for some settings like which skin to use, which type of audio files to associate with it etc. Can they can also be scripted so that I don't have to enter those settings?

    Also, I have a Winamp5.exe and Winamp.au3 file in the folder now, how to make the addon?


    thanks again

  3. Hi,

    I am creating my addon for the first time and currently I am facing problem in writing a good working script for it. I am using SciTE v1.79 and AutoIT

    I am following the video tutorial "Create_Addon_with_AutoIt_Script_by_Rado" in which foobar script is shown.

    I am writing script for Winamp, the download link is :

    http://download.nullsoft.com/winamp/client/winamp5581_lite_en-us.exe (Just 3 MB)

    Or choose the lite version from http://www.winamp.com/media-player/en

    Now, my problem is that, to what I learned from that video tutorial, I created the script, but when I execute it, it doesn't works well.

    Firstly, the problem occurs at "C:\Program Files\Winamp" it never enters it that way. It just types "C:\Prog" and runs away like it is racing with something.

    Then, the next option of choose "Lite" doesn't works well too. And then the whole script goes wrong and out of order.

    Please help... This is my script:

    Run ( "Winamp5.exe" )


    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Welcome to the Winamp installer")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;License Agreement

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "License Agreement")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Choose Install Location

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Choose Install Location")

    Send ( @ProgramFilesDir & "\Winamp" )

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Choose Components

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Choose Components")

    Send ( "(L)" )

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Choose Start Options

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Choose Start Options")

    Send ( "(TAB)" )

    Send ( "(TAB)" )

    Send ( "(TAB)" )

    Send ( "(DOWN)" )

    Send ( "(SPACE)" )

    Send ( "(DOWN)" )

    Send ( "(SPACE)" )

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Removing Advertisements

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Get the Most Out of Winamp")

    Send ( "(TAB)" )

    Send ( "(TAB)" )

    Send ( "(DOWN)" )

    Send ( "(SPACE)" )

    Send ( "(DOWN)" )

    Send ( "(SPACE)" )

    Send ( "(DOWN)" )

    Send ( "(SPACE)" )

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

    ;Finishing Installation

    WinWaitActive ("Winamp Installer", "Installation Complete")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button4")

    ControlClick ("Winamp Installer", "", "Button2")

  4. Hi,

    I have slipstream XP SP3 with my XP SP2 installation disc using nLite. I then set its options for automatic installation so that it don't asks me questions.

    I did only these two things (slipstream + setting of automatic install options) and then created an ISO image.

    Then using, Microsoft Virtual PC, I tested it.

    It worked fine. It didn't ask me for many settings like CD-Key, Regional settings etc. But still I believe I made some mistakes and it was not fully automatic as I was expecting. I got these:

    First, it said, "Setup has suggested a username for you, now please enter your password" At this point, I had to simply press Next and it went ahead.

    After it, it said, "Windows will now try adjust your screen resolution" I again have to press Yes and then said to keep the new resolution.

    But after it, it asked me if i would like to keep automatic updates on or off, and set the usernames

    I think it should not have asked these things as I had already set these settings.

    Kindly help.

    Attached is my file "LAST SESSION.INI"


    Env = - 2.0.50727.4927.Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7600.0

    Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.5512 - English (United States)


    Service Pack Integration

    Unattended Setup


    ;# Compatibility #








    ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings"

    TargetPath = "WINDOWS"

    temp_dir = %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp





    ComputerType = Automatic

    MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12

    RestorePointLife = 30

    DesktopTheme = Default||

    AutoUpdates = 4

    AutoUDay = 5

    AutoUHour = 15

    ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files"


    connname = ""

    macaddress = ""

    ipaddress = ""

    subnetmask = ""

    defaultgateway = ""

    dnsserver1 = ""

    dnsserver2 = ""

    winsserver = ""

    netbiossetting = "0"

    ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

    ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"


    connname = ""

    macaddress = ""

    ipaddress = ""

    subnetmask = ""

    defaultgateway = ""

    dnsserver1 = ""

    dnsserver2 = ""

    winsserver = ""

    netbiossetting = "0"

    ipxnetworknumber = "00000000"

    ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF"




    File "LAST SESSION_U.INI" (with cd-key removed)


    ; nLite private info

    ; (don't post it on the net, it's not important for debugging)


    TimeZone = (GMT+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi

    CDKey =

    ComputerName = VIPIN

    Organization = Home PC

    Language = English (United States)

    Locale = English (United States)

    Keyboard = US

    DomainAdmin =

    DomainPass =

    Expirepassword = 0

    JoinDomain =

    JoinWorkgroup = MTNL

    Owner = Vipin Kumar




  5. Hi,

    I have XP SP2 CD with me. I tried using nLite to create a slipstream XP SP3 DVD so that the setup automatically installs SP3 during installation and saves some of the time.

    I used a RW DVD (burned a 2.4x Speed). I got errors, and to my surprise, all the three times errors were different:

    At first attempt, I got a file missing error at 11 %

    I fully erased the DVD using Nero and again slipstreamed XP SP3 and create a fresh XP Installation Disc using nLite.

    But then I got a file missing error at 25 %, I again burned the disc and got error at 57%...

    Any ideas?

    Further, I have been through posts here and found that it is not actually possible to install softwares that require to enter keys like Nero, Microsoft Office.

    My question is:

    Is it possible to automatically install freeware software that do not require us to enter keys like FoxIT PDF Reader, WinAmp etc? If yes, is it also possible to customize them e.g these days freeware softwares are bundled with advertisements. WinAmp during installation tries to include 50 bundled mp3 offer, FoxIT install ASK.COM toolbar. Is it possible to avoid these things and just keep the installation clean and fast?

    (FoxIT and WinAmp are just two examples of the freeware softwares I use regularly)

    Please tell.


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