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About army20

  • Birthday 11/12/1983

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  1. Hello All, I would like to know if one of you know why I get this error when trying to add a second domain controler for my domain. If by the way you know how to fix that, I would appreciate to know how you did. My principal domaine controler is : Windows Server 2003 Ent. French X86 My second domain controler is : Windows Server 2003 Ent. English X64 Thank you -Martin
  2. Great ! thank you for the hints
  3. Hello, I own a cisco 1811 router. There's is no wi-fi built-in feature on the router and I do not use wi-fi in my network. I would like ton configure the router with a "mac filter" for all ethernet connection, like linksys router do to permit wi-fi connection. I would like to deny all, and permit specific client using their mac, there's no problems for me to allow each switch in the network + clients. I think I can accomplish this using the NAC fonction of the router but I have to use a RADUIS server but I would like to avoid that. There's only 12 clients in the network. Thanks for helping.
  4. Sometime when the solution is too simple I don't see it. In this case, enabling the guest account on the domain controler permitted to grant the access to the share without having to enter credentials.
  5. Here's my actual configuration: I have changed some names for convinience Source Folder: C:\SHARE Share name: \\SERVER\SHARE OS: Windows Server 2003 as a domain controler Share ACL: NTFS ACL: Domain Default Security Settings (Users Rights Assignement) : Domain Controler Security Settings (Security Options):
  6. Hello, I'm trying to allow connection from non-domain members clients in my network to a single file share hosted on a windows 2003 domain controler server. I would like to accomplish this in a manner that non-domain users does not have to enter credential to use the share. My goal, in others words is to create a share on my server that does not need a login Share name : \\DC\ERP Curent File Sharing Autorisations Allow "ANONYMOUS LOGIN" Full Control & "EVERYONE" Full Control Current NTFS of the folder Allow "ANONYMOUS LOGIN" Full Control & "EVERYONE" Full Control I think I'm getting lost in the domain security policy or the domain controler security policy. Witch one do I have to configure ? Can someone help please. -Martin
  7. Hello All, I sent an email to my Microsoft regional center to complain about that I did not recived a pin badge along with my MCDST welcome Kit. Here's the microsoft response:
  8. Hello All I'm using the outlook calendar to scheadule all my appointments and I use the color coded feature to sort my appointments. It usually only put the color into the actual event I'm on but there's been 3 exceptions last month. It color coded all the day. See print screen. I would like to do so on other days. Thanks
  9. Thank you !
  10. Is it possible to Install x86 OS on x64 computer ??
  11. Hello ! I'm looking for a very special video player that will allow user watching video to see a bar at the top of the windows with some corporate information on it (corporate logo, time, corporate msg scrolling). User does not interract with the computer playing the files, it is connected to a plasma TV and playing in loop.
  12. army20


    No I don't have more than 99 local users, I was juste making the test
  13. army20


    Windows Vista (Ultimate Edition in my case) only display the first 99 users in alphabetic order on the welcome screen. If someone know a tweak for increasing this or for limiting this value please let me know. -M
  14. Faster Desktop After Login 1. Turn On Verbose Mode : [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] Add dword value "verbosestatus" = 1 2. Reboot 3. After Login, Wait for "Preparing Your Desktop" message to display and Press ESCAPE, your desktop should appear 1 second after pressing ESCAPE.
  15. Hello, As you can see in my print screen, I get a certificate error msg each time I visit a website that I trust. It is actually my own website that I'm managing using cpanel on emax hosting. How can I install and trust the certificate ? -M
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