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Posts posted by Subtech

  1. Order doesn't matter but you can sort by KB number to make things neater. Check the link in my signature for all the updates.

    PS You need to do everything in one go. Running nLite more than once on a source can cause problems. This does not apply to service packs.

    awesome. your link seems to be exactly for what i was looking for. thanks. but still i have some doubt of my own:

    1/ i have Czech localizaton of my WXP. so, can i apply ALL of those "ENU" hotfixes on my system??

    2/ how do i integrate those hotfixes with .CAB extension?

    3/ if i understand well i can use my own nLite profiles but i have to do nLitement at one session and continuosly with "one by one" method. it s not recommended to go back for further modifications at one session, and also it s not recommended to work on my XP SP3 project with multiple sessions, right?

    thanks for your notes!

  2. Hi,

    i am dealing with hassle about how to integrate into nLite XP copy all UP TO DATE post SP3 hotfixes for the system. i successfuly nLited (upgraded) my original Windows XP Proffessional CD with SP2 and than with SP3. i have preconfigured everything (i deleted and closed some services, and installed all demanded drivers, etc.). but last thing i am turning around is this integration of system hotfixes. as i stated i nLited my Windows XP CD into SP3, so i am looking up for all POST SP3 hotfixes.

    need to know. how do i collect them all in easy way? i found inside of my already installed Windows XP Pro (WINDOWS folder) some KB's files but have no glue which are the ones to choose. i need .exe files and there are none of them. and second, i have to add them one by one in correct order. well, i am a bit confused about that.

    is there any programme that will grab from internet all UP TO DATE post SP3 hotfixes and put them in correct order to be ready for nLite integration??

    or if there s no such tool how can i do it manually then?

    just need to know how can i nLite all hotfixes for my WXP Pro (i use Windows XP Proffessional 32-bit, CZE).

    many thanks for your help!


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