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Posts posted by chesterguyca

  1. Igideus,

    It looks like you know your dos batch stuff, better than I still do, if you were able to write and understand that. :)

    I have not used NT DOS batch since starting with WSH, WMI with VBScript since they are more powerful, were super easy to get used to, and are Microsoft's prefered method of writing scripts (I still use some Perl, for fun).

    It looks like more work but after doing a few you will find its a lot easier. Here is script to determine processor speed and echo it to a window or dos line (depending on how you run it). Copy then paste it into a file with extention ".vbs" (note: WSH 5.6 must be installed).

    strComputer = "."

    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _

    & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

    Set colComputer = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Processor",,48)

    For Each objComputer In colComputer

    varCPUSpeed = objComputer.CurrentClockSpeed


    wscript.echo "CPUspeed: "&varCPUSpeed

    Sorry, I am no help with the DOS. Hope this helped.

  2. IGIdeus,

    Like many other posts here there is not enough information in your post for anyone to answer you properly.

    What OS do you have? What level is it patched to? What type of language are you programming in?

    At anyrate: Check out Microsofts WMI interface. You can easily program it using vbScript (or a lot of other languages). As for getting a DOS batch file to do it that would be more time consuming and require you to run other files from DOS.

    Good Luck,


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