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Posts posted by viki250

  1. Hello,

    Problem is resolved. Thanks for the support.

    Here is what I did:

    1. Created Live XP CD from BartPE
    2. Booted with it but during boot-up got error "The file iaStor.sys could not be found. Press any key to continue"
    3. Then I removed effected HDD of NX7300 and put in a USB cover and finally plugged with another running PC
    4. Another computer detected effected HDD as an external drive and started showing drives
    5. Did a virus scan of only Windows folder of effected HDD.
    6. Found that iaStor.sys is corrupted. [confirmed why bootup stopped in step 2 above]
    7. Did a search on net for iaStor.sys and found that it should not be removed/deleted
    8. I tried to clean iaStor.sys but failed. Then I moved it to a backup location in HDD
    9. Finally searched iaStor.sys (for x86-XP) from net and copied into C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers
    10. Plugged HDD back into NX7300.
    11. Booted in safe mode and it took a while during bootup but finally succeed.
    12. Then restarted in normal winxp mode and it started successfully.

    It was a good learning in which I learned the concept of Live CD. I found it very useful in case of virus attack, not able to boot like problems.

    Am now thinking to create a Live CD for XP which should give me ability to:

    1. Load SATA drivers
    2. Give GUI
    3. Give Network and Wireless capability
    4. Give virus scan facility
    5. Allow me to take HDD backup
    6. Should be able to run external USB drive, flash drive and CD/DVD enabled.

    Please suggest me the way. Specifically, how I can add SATA drivers in BartPE Live CD for XP ?




  2. Hello,

    Last night when I finished my work I did a normal shutdown of my HP NX7300 notebook and left in a working state. But this morning when i started notebook it quit during bootup and restarted again. This loop continued and I tried with Safe mode (alone, with networking and with command prompt). Then I checked net and found I can stop restart to capture error message by "Disable automatic restart on system failure" option.

    I tried this option several times, but still its not stopping on error message and keeps restarting.

    Please advise how can I capture error message and troubleshoot restart problem.




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