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Posts posted by Ephilei

  1. Here are the contents.

    SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Symantec Endpoint" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Symantec.exe /s REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS" /f



    I double checked the file extensions: cmdlines.txt and RunOnceEx.cmd

  2. I wrote a RunOnceEx.cmd, tested it, and copied it to an image. When I installed Windows it doesn't run. I can't run it manually either - the command window flashes up for a split second, presumably with an error message. But if I open the same file and copy and paste its contents into a new file, the new file runs perfectly. What is it about the image file that could be different than the copy-paste file?

  3. C:\Documents and Settings\XPMUser\Desktop\nlite\add-ons\ENTRIES_Foxit.ini

    Are you sure you integrated the whole add-on, since it shouldn't be unpacked.

    I don't know what you mean by that. But this addon isn't the problem; the installation crashed before I added it and the installation works fine with this addon minus the hotfixes.

    Also, does your PC have SATA hard disks? Because if it does, you will need to integrate a SATA driver.

    Dunno. I've only used this in VirtualBox so far. I believe VirtualBox uses PATA.

  4. Anyway, Autopartition=1 should be placed in WINNT.SIF, which you can find in the I386 (or AMD64) in your XP CD after nLite is finished.

    Duly noted. Thanks

  5. This is from Program Files\nLite\Presets\Last Session.ini. I hope thats the right one. I didn't before because the Red Letters refer to removing components and I didn't remove any components.

    I am using a virtual machine for testing, but it's still time intensive to test every one.

    Thanks for your help! I appreciate it

    Last Session.ini

  6. One, possibly more, Windows hotfixes are causing my Windows nLite installation to fail. The DOS segment (partition & file copy) goes fine but as soon as the GUI segment starts, it says "Startup is restarting........" and reboots into a loop. I haven't narrowed down the exact villain(s) as that would take MANY trial and errors. My gut is that a windows media player update is one, but not the only problem. Any tips?

  7. Is it possible to automate the partitioning step? I just want to delete all partitions and perform a full format (not a quickformat) as NTFS.

    I manually edited my nlite preset to include:


    I've never manually edited a preset before, so maybe I'm doing something wrong. I created a preset in nLite, closed nLite, edited the preset in a text editor, and ran thru nLite again with that preset and skipped all the steps except burning the ISO.

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