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Posts posted by Clown

  1. First of all:

    Please read my very last post in the topic "Can I save in UTF-8". UTF-16 is supported but is OK with your config.js in UTF-8.

    I wrote to test config.js in Lithuanian, Russian, Arabian, English in one item tooltip and is OK

    It works OK now... I had problems only with georgian and now it's fixed

  2. Clown is right. The Configuration is not UTF8 compatible.

    I do not create config.js file through the Configuration. I do it for years manually by text editor (notepad++, notepad2, sometimes akelapad (Russian one)) in UTF8.

    I do the same :( I used bred, notepad, notepad++ and akelapad too, but then configuration can't recognize text

    and when I tried to write something via configuration, It couldn't save

    and that's soooooooo strange that nobody have asked about it... I need to save in UTF8 very much and I can't do it

  3. hi everybody :rolleyes:

    I need your help!!!

    I want to save my configurations (program categories and descriptions) in Georgian language (UTF8), but I think it's impossible-

    when I save config.js in UTF8 and load it from WPI config tool, it shows me that config.js is old (v.7.2) and changes my configuration and mixes everything. Please HELP me. I'll be very grateful.

    Or tell me if config.js can't support utf8

    (I have translated language files into Georgian and it works. The only problem is config.js)

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