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Everything posted by centi50
Hello to All I use the following code Batch script to Install the updates in a folder in my Win 7 x64 laptop. @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION FOR /R "%~dp0" %%A IN (*-KB*.MSU) DO ( CALL :SUB %%~nA ECHO= Installing KB!KB_NUM! >NUL TIMEOUT /t 3 WUSA "%%A" /quiet /norestart) ECHO= == Press any key to restart == >NUL PAUSE SHUTDOWN.EXE /r /t 0 GOTO :EOF :SUB SET "KB_NUM=%*" FOR /F "DELIMS=-" %%B IN ("%KB_NUM:*-KB=%") DO SET "KB_NUM=%%B" The above code will Install all updates of .MSU located in a folder same as the batch script one after the other. What it won't do is, it won't install updates of .EXE e.g .NetFramework 4 updates and also it won't install Silverlight Updates. Please can some one Kindly re edit the above script for me to include the installation of .EXE files and Silverlight updates. Also note am totally zero in scripting, so kindly if changes are made please reproduce the above script with changes so i can copy and paste it in my .BAT file. Also note the code is not mine. i just got it in this thread, as i am the thread starter. Thanking all in advance for their time and efforts to Help out people like me.
No internet, and SP3 with updates till Apr 12
Thx for the reply, but i want a batch script to do as per question number 2 in my post I mean CAB files which are downloaded by WU or Thru Microsoft Update website. they are placed in Software distribution folder in Windows directory. Thanking all in Advance
Hello, Guys, I want to Use the CAB File downloaded by Windows update or Microsoft update to update my other laptop, the updates include office updates also. i can copy those upadtes from Software distribution folder under C:\Windows, but 1. Is there a tool that can retrieve those updates from that folder and put it in a folder that i choose. 2. Please can someone give me a script like batch file that can install those CAB files one by one waiting one update to install before going the second one. It will be nice if the batch can search the folder and sub folder for the CAB files and install them without restarting the computer till all the updates have installed then offer you to restart. Am not a Computer Geek, thats why i ask in this excellent Forum. Thanking everyone in Advance.
Glenn9999 The .CAB files downloaded, but i dont know how to use it to update Win 7. If anyone has idea how to use .CAB files to update win 7 please help out Thanx on advance
Glenn9999. Please can you enable those CAB files to be downloaded. Maybe i can try and see if i could install with those files Thank you
Glenn9999. Thax for explaining what is going on , but does that mean guys with win 7 system would not be able to use this program. or you'll be looking into ways of making it happen Thank you
Glenn9999 i have edited my post and attached the batchdownloader.log. see post #41 Thanks in advance
Glenn9999 Please if it possible to look as to why your program does not download updates in Win 7 (x64) it searches them but can't download. This program would save many people by downloading updates for later use. i hope you will my problem consideration. see my attached files Please note that am not talking of language packs. language packs can be downloaded. See the Batchdownloader.log attached as rar file 09 Aug 11 updates win 7.Txt WindowsUpdate log.rar batdownloader Log.rar
Still cant download updates like these ones 2011-07-12 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2533623) Listing of File URLs: Description: Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-07-12 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2529073) Listing of File URLs: Description: Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-07-12 Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2555917) Security Bulletin IDs: MS11-054 Listing of File URLs: Description: A security issue has been identified that could allow an authenticated local attacker to compromise your system and gain control over it. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this update, you may have to restart your system. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-07-12 Security Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2507938) Security Bulletin IDs: MS11-056 Listing of File URLs: Description: A security issue has been identified that could allow an authenticated local attacker to compromise your system and gain control over it. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. After you install this update, you may have to restart your system. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Hello Glenn9999, When should we expect version 0.09 to fix those problems i mentioned beforehand Thank you
Glenn9999. The reason why batchPatcher Downloader was not working and give the error i mentioned beforehand was 1. It needed MSXML6.0 which was Missing,and 2. Windows Installer 3.1 After installing the above it worked. Thanks Anyway for trying to help. But i suggest you should mention what are pre requirements for Your Software to Work.
The app uses MSXML 6.0 for a couple of functions. Do you have that installed? Yes It is installed. see attached Screenshot
Exactly as I described it. When you have a list of updates on the program, it should give you an option under the File menu to "Save List". I'm asking what those updates you listed display as in that text file. Please see Attached text file i saved from the program or see below 2011-06-28 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2545698) Listing of File URLs: Description: Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-06-28 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2547666) Listing of File URLs: Description: Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2011-06-28 Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2552343) Listing of File URLs: Description: Install this update to resolve issues in Windows. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, see the associated Microsoft Knowledge Base article for more information. After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer. 28 Jun 11 Updates Win 7.Txt
What shows up for these when you save the list to text file (File/Save List)? I did Not understand your question "What shows up for these when you save the list to text file". Please explain what you mean exactly
When i Run Batchpatcher Downloader on Win XP SP2 I get "Access violation at address 0043AEAD in Module "batdownloader.exe" Read of Address 00000008. and after clicking ok another box appears withe Message "Class not registered". Then when when i click Get URL List nothing happens. Please help
Mr Glenn9999. The BatchPatcher Downloader Could not download this updates for win 7 x64 i dont know why. It listed as found updates and it was correct when i compared it with win7 update Agent, But it could not download. the Updates are Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2545698) Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2547666) Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2552343) All the above updates dated 2011-06-28 Help will be much Appreciated
The BatchPatcher Downloader Could not download this updates for win 7 x64 i dont know why. It listed as found updates and it was correct when i compared it with win7 update Agent, But it could not download. the Updates are Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2545698) Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2547666) Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB2552343) All the above updates dated 2011-06-28 Help will be much Appreciated
Please can anyone Modify this batch Script to include the Installation of software updates of the type SFXCAB.EXE as in Silverlight and type WEXTRACT.EXE as in Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redisributable package. The above script will Search for the updates in The form of KB in the folder and subfolders is Placed in. The scenario that i was faced with was after Manual downloading the windows updates which obviously were like windowsxp-kb2476490-x86-enu_1545ba40647300fc0cde0c3e4c8e307e7d77d45d ndp40-kb2518870-x86_42ed6547df9927704552b65505ed7dd76b363be6 and many others like the above two, i also included the software optional updates like type SFXCAB.EXE as in Silverlight and type WEXTRACT.EXE as in Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redisributable package. the above script did not install the software optional updates. Therefore Please can Anyone modify the script to make it possible also to install software optional updates. That is if it is Possible. your Help will be highly appreciated Thanking All In Advance
Thank you Very Much Glenn9999. You've Solved my Problem which i've been having and searching for along long time. You are an Angel sent to save me. I recommend this software to anyone who wants to update there computers and use the downloaded file to update other Pc's. I tried it on My win 7 and XP and i found it ok if you compared it to windows update agent. It would be great if it could be showing the size of each of the updates found and the option to hide updates and Missing Updates installation. but still best software for updating system that i've come across. Two Thumbs Up.
Thank you Very Much Glenn9999. You've Solved my Problem which i've been having and searching for along long time. You are an Angel sent to save me. I recommend this software to anyone who wants to update there computers and use the downloaded file to update other Pc's. I tried it on My win 7 and XP and i found it ok if you compared it to windows update agent. It would be great if it could be showing the size of each of the updates found and the option to hide updates and Missing Updates installation. but still best software for updating system that i've come across. Two Thumbs Up.
How do you start scanning your system for missing updates. Please give guide Thanks
Thanx Glenn9999 for your quick reply i'll head over there and try it. Thanx Again I've downloaded it but dont know how to make it scan my win 7 pc. Please provide guide
Hello to everyone I would like to know if there is a program that can scan Win Xp and list the missing updates, then download it in a folder. so whenever i do a fresh install of xp i dont have to redownload those updates again. The program should be able to download only the missing windows updates. i know there is a program like wsus offline Updater, but that program downloads all updates of win xp and not the missing one. so please guys help me. or if there is away of accomplishing it. Thanking all in Advance