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Posts posted by eth0

  1. I have multiple wim files for each images, am I doing that wrong? I am new to imagex so please forgive me. I am trying to figure out how to get this script to enumerate all of the images but, if you are supposed to put it in 1 file then that would make a difference.

    It's not wrong, but you lose one of the advantages the WIM format has i.e. specify multiple versions in the same file.

    You can check the (revised) imagex documentation http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details...;displaylang=en for the details if you want.

    I think the hardest part would be getting your script to list the internal catalogue and echo that back into your HTA/textfile/whatever.

    I dunno, maybe a dynamic array or something "could" solve that.

  2. Also, keep in mind that some software installs don't work properly when you're using UNC paths (e.g. \\server\share ).

    I usually create a temporary drivemapping for those apps.


    If you're using a Windows server + Active Directory , why not do a managed install?

    AcroReader is pretty easy to deploy by Software Installation GPO.

  3. Also what are the big disadvantages of running setup from winnt.exe compared to winnt32.exe.

    To start off: any file that gets copied over is written to disk in 8.3 format.

    Which means scripts calling files may break, registry settings with filenames break, etc.

    I myself use winnt32 + BartPE.

    First off:

    Access denied errors are probably caused by not using the proper authentication.

    WinPE (and BartPE) are running on the SYSTEM account, and that usually does not have permission to connect to a network share.

    Instead, use

    net use [driveletter]  \\server\installshare /user:validuser {password}

    I get to the blue setup screen and it immediately tells me that it does not have a HDD with enough free space. I have manually booted to DOS and eradicated any partitions

    If you use a non-formatted disk, there is no filesystem for setup to write files to.

    I've installed many win2k workstations using a network bootflop based on Bart's network bootdisk (nu2.nu site) with Gdisk and smartdrive added.

    Gdisk can be scripted.

    If you use winPE or BartPE:

    Have a look at Diskpart.

    This is my diskpart script:

    diskpart /s dodisk.txt

    rem after diskpart format the freshly made partition
    format c: /fs:ntfs /q /y /v:sys

    dodisk.txt contains diskpart commands:

    rem select future c:\ drive
    select disk 0
    rem wipe the disk clean
    rem create a single primary partition 8GB
    create partition primary size=8000
    rem set the drive to mount at c:\
    assign letter=c


  4. I was under the impression that if you add the appropriate registry entries @ stage T-12/13, still in the unattended install, there are no users logged on.

    That means that any hkcu key is automatically entered in the Default User hive.

    me, I'm merging multiple regfiles in cmdlines.txt and quicklaunch is active for any user I create; even on a completely finished install on which I add a new user.

  5. in istall, i see the ">> %windir%\apps.log" line next to the "Alcohol 120%" title, even thought i included a space in my runonceex here :

    REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Alcohol 120%" /f >> %windir%\apps.log
    REG ADD %KEY%\015 /v 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Alcohol\setup.exe /qn" /f >> %windir%\apps.log
    REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Alcohol\reg.reg" /f >> %windir%\apps.log

    Why the >> logfile twice?

    You only need it on the second line..

    and another problem just like this, instead of seeing in the apps install window the title "office 2003 pro + sp1" i see the ""%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" line.. heres the part of the runonce of office :

    REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Office 2003 Pro + Sp1" /f >> %windir%\apps.log
    REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Office2003\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f >> %windir%\apps.log

    Heh.. compare your registry entries to the one for alcohol.

    *mumbles about /VE*

    3. after K-Lite is installed the C:\install\klite folder is opened, why? heres the runonce part of klite :

    REG ADD %KEY%\035 /VE /D "K-Lite Codec Pack 2.24" /f >> %windir%\apps.log
    REG ADD %KEY%\035 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\K-lite codec\klcodec224s.exe /SILENT" /f >> %windir%\apps.log


    Bet you if you dry-run your .cmd and check your registry key that it 'll say


    Use more quotation marks to wrap the commandline.

    http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/runonceex.htm <<< highly suggest you read that one once more, especially the summary regarding testing.

  6. Did RunOnceEx complain about "too many setup parameters" ?

    I noticed that error flashing by very fast in a command prompt.

    I got around it by using a full install on another PC, then grabbing the files from \windows\Cache\Adobe Reader 6.0.1\ENUBIG :


    Renamed the MSI to AR6.msi, dropped 'em into \install\apps\adobe dir and used the following:

    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /VE /D "Acrobat Reader 6.0" /f
    REG ADD %KEY%\000 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\apps\adobe\AR6.msi /qn" /f

    That worked perfectly.

  7. Well, it sure does support $oem$ folders, so there must be something else wrong.


    fastest way to check if runonceEx is still used is to make a simple script and run it on your freshly installed XPsp2.

    If you see the proper keys added in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    then it is working, just the parameters you're passing could be wrong.

    Sort of a RunOnceEx after the fact shall we say? :P

  8. Use bartPE with the appropriate storage(such as raid drivers) + network drivers loaded.

    map your installshare:

    net use [driveletter:] \\server\installshare /user:validuseraccount

    step 1

    Use Diskpart

    rem select future c:\ drive - disk 0 is the primary IDE master disk
    select disk 0
    rem wipe the disk clean
    rem create a single primary partition, mine is 10GB - alter to your wishes
    create partition primary size=10000
    rem set the drive to mount at c:\
    assign letter=c

    step 2

    Then format the new partition

    format c: /fs:ntfs /y /v:sys

    Step 3

    Then run your unattended.

    Since bartPE / WinPE is a win32 environment you can now use winnt32 instead of DOS winnt (which would fail anyway)

    set AnswerFile=.\unat3.txt
    set SetupFiles=.\i386

    .\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang

    I run all 3 in unattend.bat like this:

    diskpart /s dodisk.txt
    : dodisk.txt contains scripted diskpart actions from Step 1
    format c: /fs:ntfs /y /v:sys

    set AnswerFile=.\unat2.txt
    set SetupFiles=l:\i386

    l:\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang

    Your $oem$ folders should be inside i386 if you do a network install.

    On completion of copy action (t-51 or so) reboot and take out the bootCD.

    Sit back, have a coffee and relax :)

  9. At a time end-user can install , re-install the windows 7 time not more that that

    Now where did that come from?

    I'm ashamed almost to say this, but I know people who reinstall every 2 months (I cant think of a good reason to do so otoh), and they've been running XP for 2 years.

    You do the math ;)

  10. Mine uses

       AutomaticUpdates = Yes

       FileSystem = ConvertNTFS
       UnattendSwitch = Yes

    And this works just fine?

    I'm using a netinstall btw, hence the AP1

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