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Posts posted by BugsBunny

  1. Hi strel,

    I found the problem and the solution for the installers not recognizing the W2K OS (and probably XP too!) when run from a HFSLIPped CD. The :INSTBASE section of the _SNMsynth.cmd contains 2 times the word REGEDIT. Change both instances to "%%SYSTEMROOT%%\REGEDIT.EXE" (including the double-quotes!). After that everything works just fine. Both MBSA v2.1 and .NET Setup Verifier Tool give a clean bill of health.

    Strel, can you add this to the next official release of _SNMsynth.cmd ?


  2. Hi strel,

    I'm having the same problem as user My2GirlsDad on HFSLIPped W2K Pro CD (English version).

    Used SNMSynth 20100104 to build the installers. Tests were done in VMware Workstation 6.5.3.

    The screenshots say it all.

    I tried at HFSVCPACK, T-12 and T-9: results are the same.

    (the old SNM versions did just fine @ T-9).

    Manual install on operational W2K Pro system works just fine, so it seems the OS version check is not functioning as it should be. Is it possible to fix this? Or just eliminate the OS version check?

    Thx in advance.




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