EDIT: Just tried this myself and it works. Just wondering if this has been tried? I have not had a chance yet, just now starting to play arround with the unattended stuff, but found this info in the readme.txt that is included with the sp2 deploy tools. * In the OEM Preinstallation Reference (Ref.chm), the functionality of the AllowConnections entry of the [TerminalServices] section in the Unattend.txt answer file has changed. If you specify the following: [TerminalServices] AllowConnections = 1 Remote Desktop will be enabled during unattended Setup. However, Remote Desktop will not be added to the Windows Firewall Exceptions list. The following entries represent the mimimum required entries in the Unattend.txt answer file to enable Remote Desktop during unattended Setup and add Remote Desktop to the Windows Firewall Exceptions list: [WindowsFirewall] Profiles = Standard (specify a user-defined profile name) [WindowsFirewall.Standard] Services = RemoteDesktop (specify a user-defined service name) [WindowsFirewall.RemoteDesktop] Type = 2 [TerminalServices] AllowConnections = 1 For details on Windows Firewall settings, see the [WindowsFirewall] sections and entries in the Unattend.txt chapter of the OEM Preinstallation Reference (Ref.chm).